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Wisdom Teeth

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Yeah I went to the dentist this morning and i found out that i have to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted. I was just wondering if any of you have had your wisdom teeth pulled and could tell me what the recovery time and what the recovery is basically like, what i can do to not get them infected, dry socket all that fun stuff. Thanks


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Well I had mine taken out the second week of June this year. The procedure was pretty easy, my dentist(who is also my former hockey coach) drugged me up pretty good...was given a sleeping pill(that had me talking all kinds of crap) and lots of novacane, didn't feel a thing...The pain pills they put me on after the fact actually instead of putting me to sleep kept me awake so I didn't really get much sleep the days after until I was taken off them. I ended up getting one dry socket I think because I had a beer the second day after they were pulled, and I was in some pretty major pain ( even went back to the pain pills) so I went to the dentist the day after the pain started and got it packed up with a substance they looks like chewing tobacco and was given a prescription for a liquid substance that was suppost to prevent dry sockets. It did the trick, haven't had any problems since besides getting some food stuck in my holes (that still haven't completely covered up yet). But all in all, it was alot easier than I expected it to be. Also helped that three of them had surfaced, and two of those were enough that he just pulled them out rather than getting them cut out. The one I had the dry socket in was the hardest one to get out, it was semi-impacted with my molar and took awhile to get out. But don't sweat it, I was back on my feet in about two days.

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I had mine pulled over the course of one summer, no surgery needed on mine. I went on my lunch hour and was back at work after that.

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Had surgery on all 4 of mine. Of course I was about 6 years overdue getting them out. Recovery was about 3 weeks.

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Get a good dentist man. I was awake watching game 5 of the cup finals in 2000, and had the dentist from Little shop of Horrors abuse me for an hour to get all 4 out. he actually had to break on e in three to get it.

The sooner the better. I waited 5 years, thinking that there would be enough room. There wasn't.

Couldn't eat for a week, let alone open my mouth. Ruffffffff go.

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Damn, mine was great. juiced me up, screwed something into the tooth and yanked it out. A week or so later I had to go back to have the packing removed. I was back at my desk an hour and a half after I left.

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I had excessive bleeding from all 4 being removed (all impacted). Long story short, I swallowed a ton of blood, got blood toxicity poisoning and had to have my stomach pumped. it was GREAT! :)

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Damn Geki....I had hemophilia B when I was a kid, so when they made me get blood tests done before I got mine out. That was over a year ago, and needless to say, I still haven't gotten the blood work done.

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The dentist just told me that I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out to. I figure thought that it can't be any worse than other dental things I have endured.

long story short I wrecked my bike and busted 6 of my top front teeth in 2 places. 1 break where it was visible (they looked like fangs) and 1 break below the gum line. I had to have one pulled. Which they had to break and pull the fragments out. Then they thought they could save them by doing root canals on the rest. So I had five root canals. The roots were dead so I didn't have any novicaine either. When that didn't work they shaved them all down and put a steel bridge in. So now my 6 front teeth are steel coated in porceline. In total it took about a year for it all to get done and I went through many different retainers and crowns and things to make it look normal.

Screw the short story. Now at the same time they told me I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled they told me I might have to go back in to surgery to have part of my gums removed so that they can get at the bridge and shave a rough edge down.

Yeah, I hate the dentist with a passion :(

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Mine grew in fine and everything came out straight naturally. Problem is I grow superfluous teeth and have to have existing teeth pulled so they can grow in. Just avoid drinking anything carbonated or anything with a straw and you're golden.

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Kirsch who is that in your avatar?

Do you mind if I use this in my book called "Things to ask via PM"?

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Kirsch who is that in your avatar?

that, my friend, would be Dave Matthews of the amazing Dave Matthews Band.

/me does the 400th post dance

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I've removed three out of four wisdom teeth so far, but only one at a time. I wasn't put to sleep anytime, just given shots (3-5 shots around the actual tooth). The two teeth in the upper jaw were fine and he just simply pulled them out, and didn't need to recover at all really from those, no pain killers needed afterwards or anything. The one in the lower jaw was worse though, had to get surgery for it as only a small part of it was showing. Afterwards I was recovering for about 5 days I think, and taking Tylenol with Codeine to relieve the pain.

The dentist also told me to rinse my mouth with some stuff (192 proof alcohol!) to kill off bacteria for a while after the surgery, but man, that stuff was really strong and made my tongue feel numb and icky for a couple days afterwards! :lol:

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The dentist pulled all 4 of mine in about 1 1/2 hours of surgery. I was at work the next day, with a sore jaw, but it didn't kill me. I hate taking pills, so dealt with the dull ache for a couple of days. It's best if you aren't too active for the couple of days after the surgery. Let you whole body recover.

I had food get stuck in the holes for a couple months after. Make sure they give you a syringe to flush the holes out - avoiding infection. And rinse with salt water or anti-bacterial mouth wash after meals to kill any bacteria that could infect. Oral hygeine is critical.

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Kirsch who is that in your avatar?

that, my friend, would be Dave Matthews of the amazing Dave Matthews Band.

/me does the 400th post dance

I thought so but i wasn't positive. Man, Dave rules. DMB is the best live band there is no contest.

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When i got mine removed i got one shot to my gumbs and i could barely feel them pull the teeth. My gumbs were numb for about 2days after. I was fully recovered by the time the novacane wore off

About DMB being the best band, its tied with RCHP as my all time favorites.

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i had mine removed at the start of this season i was it wasnt bad at all i got them pulled on a firday and was playing hockey that sunday ( happened to scroe 1st goal of the season that game)

everyones recovery time is different my was 2-3day but some people are out a week or 2

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Had all 4 removed via surgery. All of them were impacted and growing sideways. The liquid diet was the worst part of it. Good luck. That was 17 years ago though.

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Just had mine removed last friday. it wasnt bad cause i got out of school. :D Took about 40 minutes. fell asleep on a 5 minute ride home slept all day friday and saturday. sunday felt some pain but just when i ate. The worst part of it was the fact that i had to eat oatmeal for every meal YUCK tastes like cardboard.

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