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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vic excalibers?

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Saw these things at the Sport Chek for real cheap. Any idea on the lie on these things? I couldn't tell and the only thing written on them it that they're "regular" flex.

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The regular flex is about 85.

As for lie, it is dependent on which blade pattern is on the stick. The Vic Excaliber has clones of a lot of popular patterns so your best bet would be to compare the stick in question with another OPS on the rack and go from there.

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uhh.. absolute garbage.

i will never sell anyone one of those. hands down the crappiest stick on the market. i broke two over the course of a drop in night and i wasnt even playing hard or anything.

i call them 'boomerangs'

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uhh.. absolute garbage.

i will never sell anyone one of those. hands down the crappiest stick on the market. i broke two over the course of a drop in night and i wasnt even playing hard or anything.

i call them 'boomerangs'

Your lying

Those sticks are so strong they would hurt your shoulder before breaking. Nice try

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I'm not sure what Vic sticks youre talking about.

Maybe the old vics? but the xcaliburs are bad, really really bad.

futhermore, dont accuse me of lying.

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i heard they are really easy to crack, and i didnt like most of the curves. i wouldn't buy one i would just save my money and buy a better stick. that is just my opinion

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I never seem to have a problem with mine, I used Iginla curves on my SL's, so i found one that was pretty darn close, and used it as a practice stick, so i wouldn't brake my good stick(s) in practice, and it held up all year with alot of beating slamming and slashing.

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I've been using a Vic Excaliber for a few months now (I play once a week) and aside from some cosmetic damage it has held up. It chips up fairly easily but has held up pretty well considering all the slashing I tend to take due to my extensive battles in front of the crease. I think it may be on its last legs but I'm not unwilling to try more Vic products even if it goes next game.

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I'm not sure what Vic sticks youre talking about.

Maybe the old vics? but the xcaliburs are bad, really really bad.

futhermore, dont accuse me of lying.

Well then you wrap your sticks around posts. Those sticks are made to last not made to make you better.

If you can break 2 in a game then either you cant shoot or your breaking them slashing someone.

And I can call you what ever I want...but if you take words online that serious........really now.......

They are a mainly fiberglass stick and to have broken that easily there must have been some other reason.....they just cant break that easily. Chip yes break no.

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I think its funny too that when somebody tries to downtalk a stick, they always say that they broke 2 in one icetime/game/public skate/whatever. Its funny too because the only time I can recall EVER seeing 2 broken sticks in one game was at a BYU game where one of the forwards broke his old synergy grip and then broke the wood blade on a backup ops-turned-shaft.

All of a sudden, this guy for some reason has 2 of the strongest/rarest sticks on the market and breaks them both in one fell swoop... : /

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I've owned two and they are definitely two of the crappier sticks I've ever owned. The bottom of the blade started to chip away immediately and it quickly disintegrated. One of them was a Drury clone and I'm not sure about the other one.

Trust me, stay away from these.

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i get a bunch of them returned. So its not just me.

Ive never had problems with any other stick personally, so i was pretty shocked when this happened. I had a ccm vector 120 and it lasted a long time, and a jofa something or another that also lasted. Im not a stick smashing kind of guy, Ive been playing inline hockey a long time, so maybe theyre just not good for inline? I dont know. Maybe the ones i had were just a bad batch compared to other ones?

Maybe I weight too much? (6'5 220)?

I cant tell you.

all i know is what happened to me and these sticks.

You can call me whatever you want, youre right. so go ahead.

i liked the way the stick felt and actually it didnt perform half bad either ( considering it was like 50 bucks), but they just broke way too quickly.

I dont even know of other places besides SC ( and stores of the same umbrella) that sell vic.

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Yes, if you're a senior-sized person toying with a junior model I'm sure it does but not if you're a senior and using it properly.

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Hockey sticks break, it's a fact. Doesn't mean you're using it wrong, in fact in certain levels of play I'd say if you aren't breaking sticks every once in a while you're playing like a bitch. Get off the guy's case.

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