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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Crazy people at rinks

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Do you guys have any nut jobs at your local rinks?

I sure as hell do.

We call him "Project Pat."

He's 23, has no job (by choice), and dresses as if he were homeless. His brother works at the rink. He plays hockey twice a day, isn't very good (unless you ask him, he'll tell you he could play in the NHL)

He drinks Cisco (aka Liquid Crack) every night.

His hobbies include smoking a corncob pipe outside.

Comes into the shop and just talks crap. It's so funny to hear.

Anyway, here's picture proof...

As you can tell, I'm bored at work. :)

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Perfect timing JR. We have a guy like that at our rink, E. Hes a real cool guy, hes been around the rink since it opened. Hes been the 'equipment manager' for just about every team thats ever played here. The guy is awesome. He hadn't been around for a while and then he came by the other day. He was telling me and some guys about the time Link Gaetz made him get him a Pepsi in the middle of a game.


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People like him run Florida.

nah, its more of the grandma's and grandpa's :D . Just Kidding, i love florida and the old people who say "hello and welcome to walmart"

I've got a couple crazy people that work in my rink(s). Theres this one guy who's the ref/scorer's "bitch" that brings food to them during every intermission. Its quite funny.

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My little hill billy town is full of mentally challenged people. At the arena, the time keeper and the janitor are both mentally challenged. The two paper boys are both mentally challenged and there is a little mental home up the street from me and they always walk around town. I know I am forgetting some people... this could be considered the mentally challenged hill billy capital of the world... my population of my town is approximately 1000 people.

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At our rink we have these two kids that are really worthless. Except they move the nets when the zamboni comes around. But after the zamboni's done all they do is skate around for about 5 minutes and shoot pucks around. I have no idea if they work at the rink or not.

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We are lucky if we have 5 people come to any of our inline games, and usually a couple of them are friends of mine. They do get pretty routy though :)

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there's this guy who worked at an arena i played at last year, his name is george. he's pretty.. interesting :blink: , he's got this lazy eye that always points away from where he's looking, he shuffles when he walks and is always yelling (not that you really know what he's talking about anyways) his primary occupation is telling people not to shoot tape balls in the dressing rooms

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The rink I was playing at had a kid with Turettes that would go into tizzies some times. It was kinda wierd. There was also a goalie that would come to the rink shit stinking drunk on a regular basis. One time he smelled so bad of alchohol I couldn't sit within ten feet of him without getting an upset stomach. He was the best goalie in the whole league too, drunk or sober.

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I am new to this board...

I bring to you...




This guy is pretty much a mystery. I have heard many stories and rumors about him. He bascially hangs out in Sky Rink in New York City.... he does actually play sometimes... he fills in for leagues, he plays in open hockey sessions... he plays as a skater, and as a goalie.

One time, he played as a goalie with TWO BLOCKERS. No glove. TWO BLOCKERS... and a player stick!

He is probably the best comic relief at that rink... I could go on, and on, and on about him... he sure is funny...

However, the one drawback about him is that he disappears for months, and weeks, and then he makes his epic comeback out of nowhere.

As you can see, he looks very unsettling. But what really disturbs me about him is that he smells like cat urine. His equipment smells like cat piss... he walks with a limp... but surprisingly skates pretty well as a skater... he still plays with the limp as a goalie!... and his teeth are all broken and chipped along the gumline.

I also have someone on this forum who can back me up on everything I have said about this creep... a person who also happens to have almost killed this creep on several occasions

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How about the players who show up to open hockey with a bag, matching equipment and practice jersey from a local Junior/AHL/College team, so while you're getting dressed, you think to yourself "hey looks like the hockey will be pretty good today. Then turns out that not only does the guy stink, but he also has convinced himself that he plays for the aformentioned team, so he decides to run the show with his attempted end to end rushes.

Every rink has got one(at least)...

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There was a guy when I played in a tourny in Campbellton N-B, he was a patient at the mental hospital and he was always hanging around the rink and sat behing the opposing team bench, always screaming and making faces behind players back. Good for him there was glass behind the bench cause he would have went from an hospital to another.

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That guy has "serial killer" written all over him....

We have a local goalie (who's pretty good) who likes to spend some quality time at various happy hours before gametime. When he's drunk, he can't stop a beachball and just yells at everyone.

One night after a game he got pulled over by the police. He starts talking German and tries to convince the cop that he's a German diplomat visiting the U.S. The next day, he traded in his quality happy hour time for some quality jail time.

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There is this one zamboni driver and rink keeper here that use to have a mullet and with the mullet he looked like joe dirt. So all of us hockey players on my teams and friends I had on other teams couldn't resist on giving him a hard time. Needless to say he would always get mad at all of us and usually start yelling from a distance, I just thought it was hilarious. Needless to say now, he no longer has the mullet but still occasionally yells at us for whatever. He will always be the local joe dirt....lol.

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This one guy, probably about 55 or so, does nothing but hang out at the rink. I don't think he has anything else to do. He just comes to the rink, straps on the pads (damn good goalie considering his age) and sets himself between the pipes during Open Hockey. He's always injured (and he lets everybody know) and always has a few good stories to tell my buddies and I. He is always bragging about his kid, who is apparently playing for some AHL team somewhere (guy came earlier this summer, and I have to tell you, I wasn't all that impressed <_< ). He's gone after a few guys for poking at him after he's covered the puck up (FLIPS if you give him the slightest tap. Not kidding, either). Been kicked out of the rink a few times for it. He's a nice enough guy, he just becomes a bit unstable at times.

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Heh heh, these are some funny stories guys.

There's a rinks attendant at 1 of my local rinks who's hilarious. He's really nice though, always letting us go on the ice for free, as long as we clean the dressing rooms first. They're always clean just a couple of tape balls. Anyways, he has the strongest spanish accent you'd ever hear. It's so funny to hear him talk, we'll ask him if we can go on the ice and he'll be like(in his strong spanish accent) "you want to skate? f**k go skate."

And there's this one rink rat who's about 12 named Jordan and he's always around bothering him, he has no friends at all, and one time he came dressed like him :blink: with the gloves and the workboots. He tries to tell people what to do pretending he works there. The spanish guy is always swearing at him in spanish and Jordan just laughs and he thinks he's his friend. LoL he always gets kicked out but always comes back later in the day and begs to come back in.

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Theres this creepy guy who some guys on my team know of because he plays in some adult leagues with them and they've heard rumors that he was a child molester or something so one day we decided to look him up on the sex offenders website and sure enough he was there and it said "CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT 4TH DEGREE (MULTIPLE VARIABLES)" now at this one tournament we played in recently we noticed that he started showing up towards the end of the tournament and it was weird because he hadn't been there at all for any of the earlier games. Then my coach points out that the younger kids games are scheduled for those days :blink: ... pretty disturbing if you ask me. There's some creepy people in this world :(

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I've lived in Florida for five years before my previous location. Here is how I see Florida; Land for the newly wed, or nearly dead. :D

We have a guy who is pretty cool. He hits on me constantly and he is 28. Since I hit 18 it's been non-stop. Calls me the Foxy lady he never had. Rather scary sometimes. He comes to Open Hockey drunk...alot..

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My rink sucks. Trust me I know I work there. We have 3 managers one is the owners wife, shes super nice and cool. THe other 2 are mother son and they treat everyone like shit. All they do is sit in the office and eat while we clean everything. THis is 1 or 2 ppl cleaning a whole ice rink. THey bitch and moan about everything. THe other manager knows how bad she treats us and she hasnt done much about it because she doesnt realize how bad she is. She's 60 something and 300+ pounds and a total bitch to boot.

Were all gonna speak with the owner to try and get her fired because she even treats customers rudely. Shes aweful and an embarrassment to work with.

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