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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS sticks

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I forgot to ask, Has anyone had any trouble removing the blade from the TPS Adrenaline fused OPS? I am only able to find Left Hand sticks in whip flex online... so I figure I would just remove the blade..... if it is removable that is :P

me! i dont have the best tools and what not set up at home, but i normally just heat my shafts/blades over the kitchen stove on high heat for about 2-3 minutes and the blade comes out quite easy. i've tried with no luck on my new Adrenaline OPS, even with 4 minutes of even heating, although I have read that others have been able to.

i wish i had a vice bolted to a sturdy work bench. i have access to a good heat gun at work, but once again no vice. how much can you heat the fuse point without risking damage to the shaft?? any tips?

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Dont just hold the heat gun at one spot on the shaft obviously. It can be done with the Adrenalines, no question, I have done it with myself. Just heat it for 5-10 minutes, constantly moving shaft around, as to evenly heat. Then, when its nice and warm put your foot on the top of the blade, and pull up with all your might.

Another trick, is to cut along the fuse point, that helps alot. Just lightly saw where you think the fust point is, or, after heating up the shaft properly, you should be able to see a distinctive "crack" where the paint has broken, which is around the fuse point.

It can be done, just be patient and done over heat your shaft.


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^ thanks, I'll give that a try. I was being very careful to not overheat any one side/section of the shaft. The fuse point is very obvious already, but I probably just need to heat the stick for even longer. I'll try that light sawing method you suggested as well.

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Nobody carries TPS around here... I'm sorry to ask again but does anybody know how long the Afinogenov/Sundin/brendl curve is in comparison with a warrior smyth or a sakic curve?

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I own the TPS Adrenaline Control, and the anti-vibration feature, which makes the stick rather bottom heavy, and harms stick-handling, is a real pain in the rear-end. If you take out the blade, can you also somehow remove the dampening/anti-vibration feature(and restore it to response armor quality)?

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I own the TPS Adrenaline Control, and the anti-vibration feature, which makes the stick rather bottom heavy, and harms stick-handling, is a real pain in the rear-end. If you take out the blade, can you also somehow remove the dampening/anti-vibration feature(and restore it to response armor quality)?

I'm no stick expert, but that will be possible when the Red Wings finish in 30th place.

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Lol. Yeah, I really doubted it but dared to dream anyway. That one darned insert does so much damage to an otherwise near-perfect stick. It's making me want to sell it and stock up on 9 or 10 response armors... So if anyone wants an adrenaline, lol.

But seriously, the puck seems to get away from me more on shots with the adrenaline than the c4, and it also hurts the stick-handling and puck feel.

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Lol. Yeah, I really doubted it but dared to dream anyway. That one darned insert does so much damage to an otherwise near-perfect stick. It's making me want to sell it and stock up on 9 or 10 response armors... So if anyone wants an adrenaline, lol.

But seriously, the puck seems to get away from me more on shots with the adrenaline than the c4, and it also hurts the stick-handling and puck feel.

Take a long wooden rod or piece of PVC pipe and you may be able to push it out. I'm not sure how TPS attached it but it very well may be removable.

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On all of the adrenalines I have had (6) I have found to insert to be in the top of the stick.....going against making it blade heavy. Further more, I have pulled them out and put them in other sticks, I dont think they are glued in at all, instead, friction keeps them in there. If you want to remove one you will have to get something uniformly even all the way around, and slide it up into the shaft and just keep pushing to force the insert out, which is tough because it is made of rubber. Maybe heating will help due to expanding the shaft walls....

Just a few thouhgts,


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On all of the adrenalines I have had (6) I have found to insert to be in the top of the stick.....going against making it blade heavy. Further more, I have pulled them out and put them in other sticks, I dont think they are glued in at all, instead, friction keeps them in there. If you want to remove one you will have to get something uniformly even all the way around, and slide it up into the shaft and just keep pushing to force the insert out, which is tough because it is made of rubber. Maybe heating will help due to expanding the shaft walls....

Just a few thouhgts,


Heating it up will expand the rubber as well and make it grippier. In this case, cooling may work better.

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If the insert is near the top, could I just slide off the wooden end and attempt to remove it that way? It would save me a big headache if so. Sadly, I'm out of town now and almost 300 miles from my beloved sticks.

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Probably wont work to be honest with you....they are in there pretty good and the rubber resists the whole way. You will just have to work at it...and to be honest with you, I always pull the blades on them, so I never have to deal with a blade in one end. Good luck.


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Searched and found this thread,

I got some gift cards to my LHS, and they do not carry what i want so im looking to get a new stick. Im using a ONE90 and i love it and theres nothing wrong with it but im looking into trying a R8. Can some one tell me how the blade is compaired to the ONE90 and is the R8 lighter than the one90. Also where is the kick point on the R8? Higher or lower than the ONE90? Im going to the shop by the end of the week so if I don't like the R8 im going to get another one90. I just want to have some back ground information on the stick before I walk into the shop.

TBL fan and Spree i saw your replies already to my other thread so no need to post them again

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The R8s kickpoint will be lower and it weighs less than the one90. Very good stick.

The one90 might be a bit more balanced, weight isn't an issue with either of the sticks.

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I have the best slap shot on my team. If i get a R8 will the low kick point hurt my slap shot?

No, though at some point you will find a stick that works better for you than anything else.

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I have the best slap shot on my team. If i get a R8 will the low kick point hurt my slap shot?

No, though at some point you will find a stick that works better for you than anything else.

Yup I eudventuall will. I have a great wrister with my AK27 85 flex, but bad slapper, than a great slapper and good wrister with a 102 ONE90. If the lower kick point on a Stiff R8 will help my wrister and not affect my slap shot im sold.

So im heading to the LHS soon to try out the R8 and make my decesion on which stick to get a R8 or ONE90

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