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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sample only tag?

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First the story then the question. Today I was at the only local hockey shop we have. The guy mainly deals to minor league teams and does a high volume of local team sales. So his shop is always picked over. I know he gets alot of pro stock items and returns. His selection is limitted to what he gets on close out or what he gets to many of when he team orders. Today I went in to pick up some odds and ends. Tape and such. Also to pick up a pair of skates he converted for me. He had alot of NBH stuff. Really good prices. So I picked up a pair of supreme 50 elbow pads. When I got them home and Inspected them closely I noticed that they had a yellow tag on the inside of the pad that read "sample only. Purpose salesmen samples." with at date and factory listed. Im not trying to get anyone in trouble. My only concern is are these the same quality as normal product or what?

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when sales reps are done with their samples, they sell them to their favorite stores. Nothing out of ordinary. Samples have no warrenty. thats all

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they werent used. Do you mean like over flow samples? The guys pretty cool if i had problems he would make it right so I am not worried about a warrenty.

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likely wasn't from the rep of the store. Every company orders a quantity of rep/show/in-house samples that is more than they will need just to be safe. usually they get mixed into regular stock and sometimes get shipped to stores. They are likely 100% the same, and likely would be covered under warranty if you had an issue.

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Are you talking about the Sports Exchange in Vancouver? If so, yeah, they're good guys in that shop and they have creative ways of getting equipment.

As mentioned, don't worry about the quality of demo products. If anything, more attention goes into them!

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they werent used. Do you mean like over flow samples? The guys pretty cool if i had problems he would make it right so I am not worried about a warrenty.

I just emailed you at your yahoo email address.

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Are you talking about the Sports Exchange in Vancouver? If so, yeah, they're good guys in that shop and they have creative ways of getting equipment.

As mentioned, don't worry about the quality of demo products. If anything, more attention goes into them!

Nope, I'm in the states. They probably get stuff the same way he does. I cant wait to use them. I havent bought new elbow pads since the late ninties.

By the way thanks JR.

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