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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PETA, sic balls!

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I am glad Michael Vick is in jail. But I think it is fascinating that Vick is vilified and goes to jail for dog-fighting, while Brett Favre is held up as some sort of national treasure even as his enthusiasm for bow-hunting is often celebrated. Arguably, the animals that Favre does not kill immediately suffer far more than the dogs electrocuted, shot, or hanged by Vick. Both activities necessarily result in dead or suffering animals.

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I am glad Michael Vick is in jail. But I think it is fascinating that Vick is vilified and goes to jail for dog-fighting, while Brett Favre is held up as some sort of national treasure even as his enthusiasm for bow-hunting is often celebrated. Arguably, the animals that Favre does not kill immediately suffer far more than the dogs electrocuted, shot, or hanged by Vick. Both activities necessarily result in dead or suffering animals.

At that point of the discussion it becomes a question of semantics. One being a typical "american household" pet....the other being a "game animal" for sport hunting and typical consumption.

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I am glad Michael Vick is in jail. But I think it is fascinating that Vick is vilified and goes to jail for dog-fighting, while Brett Favre is held up as some sort of national treasure even as his enthusiasm for bow-hunting is often celebrated. Arguably, the animals that Favre does not kill immediately suffer far more than the dogs electrocuted, shot, or hanged by Vick. Both activities necessarily result in dead or suffering animals.

This has got to be a joke.

Oh, and Tom Brady likes hamburgers, which is practically the same thing as dog fighting because both activities result in dead or suffering animals. Let's lock him up, too!

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This has got to be a joke.

Oh, and Tom Brady likes hamburgers, which is practically the same thing as dog fighting because both activities result in dead or suffering animals. Let's lock him up, too!

If you don't see the difference between an animal killed rapidly at a slaughterhouse, and an animal who may escape with an arrow in its throat only to bleed to death slowly over hours or days, you are the one who must be joking.

And for the record, I would like to see Tom Brady locked up, if only for getting a disproportionate share (even by NFL quarterback standards) of hot chicks. And because I am still pissed off about the "tuck".

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This has got to be a joke.

Oh, and Tom Brady likes hamburgers, which is practically the same thing as dog fighting because both activities result in dead or suffering animals. Let's lock him up, too!

If you don't see the difference between an animal killed rapidly at a slaughterhouse, and an animal who may escape with an arrow in its throat only to bleed to death slowly over hours or days, you are the one who must be joking.

And for the record, I would like to see Tom Brady locked up, if only for getting a disproportionate share (even by NFL quarterback standards) of hot chicks. And because I am still pissed off about the "tuck".

Have you seen video from slaughterhouses? It's not always as 'rapid' as you think. Killing a household pet, or killing animals whose sole purpose was to fight is in no way the same as hunting an animal for game. Even in the wild, animals kill each other all the time. Hunting for food is nessecary. If you eat it, what does it matter whether it had it's throat slit in a factory or you shot it in the heart with a bow?

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If you don't see the difference between an animal killed rapidly at a slaughterhouse, and an animal who may escape with an arrow in its throat only to bleed to death slowly over hours or days, you are the one who must be joking.

So, you'd rather have the animal die of starvation over a few weeks during the winter? Seriously, there's a reason why hunting is legal.

And for the record, I would like to see Tom Brady locked up, if only for getting a disproportionate share (even by NFL quarterback standards) of hot chicks. And because I am still pissed off about the "tuck".

I can't argue with you there.

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I am glad Michael Vick is in jail. But I think it is fascinating that Vick is vilified and goes to jail for dog-fighting, while Brett Favre is held up as some sort of national treasure even as his enthusiasm for bow-hunting is often celebrated. Arguably, the animals that Favre does not kill immediately suffer far more than the dogs electrocuted, shot, or hanged by Vick. Both activities necessarily result in dead or suffering animals.

A hunter's intent is not to make the animal suffer, whereas the opposite is true in dog fighting. The concept of intent is vital both in the court of public opinion as well as the legal system.

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

his talent won as many super bowls as mine did.

He was inaccurate, couldn't read the field properly and only because of his ability to make plays by running with the ball did he keep games close.

Tom Brady, doesn't run, Payton Manning, no running.

Vick is over rated because he occasionally makes highlight reel plays.

It's like someone being drafted #1 in the NHL because they are really good at shootouts, and average at the rest of the game.

I'd take the "stupid ass dogs" over this no heart, no character $100 million contract signing but defaults on loans loser any day

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

his talent won as many super bowls as mine did.

He was inaccurate, couldn't read the field properly and only because of his ability to make plays by running with the ball did he keep games close.

Tom Brady, doesn't run, Payton Manning, no running.

Vick is over rated because he occasionally makes highlight reel plays.

It's like someone being drafted #1 in the NHL because they are really good at shootouts, and average at the rest of the game.

I'd take the "stupid ass dogs" over this no heart, no character $100 million contract signing but defaults on loans loser any day

I wholeheartedly second your motion, sir. I think the reason why a lot of people liked him is because he was so great in the Madden football games, where a QB could rack up 100-150 yards rushing per game. He was another spoiled, overrated jerk who epitomized the worst in all talented athletes.

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

his talent won as many super bowls as mine did.

He was inaccurate, couldn't read the field properly and only because of his ability to make plays by running with the ball did he keep games close.

Tom Brady, doesn't run, Payton Manning, no running.

Vick is over rated because he occasionally makes highlight reel plays.

It's like someone being drafted #1 in the NHL because they are really good at shootouts, and average at the rest of the game.

I'd take the "stupid ass dogs" over this no heart, no character $100 million contract signing but defaults on loans loser any day

Im not saying he was worth any of his NFL money...Pro sports has no real appeal to me anyway...I would much rather watch a college game any day than any pro sport out there....True he was not the proto type QB for the NFL he was an athlete, period..stick him at WR,RB,CB,S,whatever he would light up the highlights...But TRUST me when I say this, in high school and college there was not a more exciting player to watch...I know cause I saw almost everyone of his games throughout both careers....He made many many mistakes and Im not saying any of them should have been forgiven..All Im saying is he was one of the best pure ATHLETES to ever step on the football field that I have ever seen,*note* NOT QB, ATHLETE....

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

I don't think the dogs were 'stupid asses',I think you'll find the humans here was the complete 'stupid asses' here .Vick especially :lol:

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I hate it for the guy...Ive been a fan of his since he was in High school, "A fan of his game not of him personally"...I just hate to see so much talent go to waste for some stupid ass dogs...

I don't think the dogs were 'stupid asses',I think you'll find the humans here was the complete 'stupid asses' here .Vick especially :lol:

..I may be biased that they are worthless animals after seeing what a pit did to a 7 yr. old girl first hand and up close...And this pitbull was bred to fight, it had been a house dog from the time it was a pup, it just snapped one day...That is not the only case if you do a little research on the pitts that just "snapped" one day...Either way Like I said before I could care less about the dogs, Im not into the whole dogs are people thing...I was just a fan of the mans talent...So enough about the worthless dogs..If you wanna argue Vicks athletic ability Im game all day any day....

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Certain breeds of dogs just are not good house pets regardless of how they were raised.Some older breeds have been bred to be hunters and attack dogs,it has become inbred instinct to them.Having said that ,many of these breeds ( with proper training and socialization ) can adapt well to their surroundings .As an example Chihuahua's are some of the worst dogs for biting believe it or not ,( not all as a rule ) but some they can be fear biters especially around children.Its never good when a human is attacked by an animal nor is it ever any good when a human abuses an animal.We are all entitled to our own opinions about what is worthless and what is'nt ,so while I can respect your opinion , I certainly don't share it.I would view human or animal abuse far more important than a football players stupidity.Just my 2c's worth.

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..I may be biased that they are worthless animals after seeing what a pit did to a 7 yr. old girl first hand and up close...And this pitbull was bred to fight, it had been a house dog from the time it was a pup, it just snapped one day...That is not the only case if you do a little research on the pitts that just "snapped" one day...Either way Like I said before I could care less about the dogs, Im not into the whole dogs are people thing...I was just a fan of the mans talent...So enough about the worthless dogs..If you wanna argue Vicks athletic ability Im game all day any day....

99% of the time, it's the owner not the dog, as evidenced by the fact that some of vicks dogs have been rehabbed to be therapy dogs.


Saving Michael Vick's Dogs

Pit Bulls Rescued From the Football Player's Fighting Ring Show Progress in an Unprecedented Rehabilitation Effort

When football superstar Michael Vick pleaded guilty last year to conspiring to run a dogfighting operation, we knew he had kept about 50 pit bulls on his 15-acre property in rural Surry County, Va., on a road named Moonlight. We knew the dogs were chained to car axles near wooden hovels for shelter. And we knew the dogs that didn't fight were beaten, shot, hanged, electrocuted or drowned.



Of the 49 pit bulls animal behavior experts evaluated in the fall, only one was deemed too vicious to warrant saving and was euthanized. (Another was euthanized because it was sick and in pain.)

More than a year after being confiscated from Vick's property, Leo, a tan, muscular pit bull, dons a colorful clown collar and visits cancer patients as a certified therapy dog in California. Hector, who bears deep scars on his chest and legs, recently was adopted and is about to start training for national flying disc competitions in Minnesota. Teddles takes orders from a 2-year-old. Gracie is a couch potato in Richmond who lives with cats and sleeps with four other dogs.

Of the 47 surviving dogs, 25 were placed directly in foster homes, and a handful have been or are being adopted. Twenty-two were deemed potentially aggressive toward other dogs and were sent to an animal sanctuary in Utah. Some, after intensive retraining, are expected to move on to foster care and eventual adoption.

How can this be? Reports of gruesome pit bull maulings make international news. Pit bulls are one of the few canine breeds thought to be so dangerous that they are banned in some places.

The answer, says Frank McMillan, a veterinarian who is studying the recovery of some of the Vick dogs, is that we don't know. "We've assumed all pits are the same, and we've never let this many fighting dogs live long enough to find out. There are hardly ever studies, because these animals don't survive," he said.

Classic fighting pit bulls, part bulldog and part terrier, were bred to be friendly to people and aggressive with other dogs. Their ability to withstand great pain and keep fighting is a quality prized as "gameness."

it's a pretty long article but decent reading, although I do understand your bias, seeing something like that would be traumatic. But it's usually not the dog

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Certain breeds of dogs just are not good house pets regardless of how they were raised.Some older breeds have been bred to be hunters and attack dogs,it has become inbred instinct to them.Having said that ,many of these breeds ( with proper training and socialization ) can adapt well to their surroundings .As an example Chihuahua's are some of the worst dogs for biting believe it or not ,( not all as a rule ) but some they can be fear biters especially around children.Its never good when a human is attacked by an animal nor is it ever any good when a human abuses an animal.We are all entitled to our own opinions about what is worthless and what is'nt ,so while I can respect your opinion , I certainly don't share it.I would view human or animal abuse far more important than a football players stupidity.Just my 2c's worth.

I certainly respect your opnion as well...I dont want to be misunderstood either...I am an animal lover, and do not agree on any front that abusing dogs or any animal is ok....However I do belive some groups such a PETA take animal rights to the extreme sometimes, willing to put their own life up for an animal or some of these so called extreme enviromental groups that burn down million dollar houses in the name of saving the rain forest or whatever, but they dont think about the fact that burning a structure puts very bad things in the air and enviroment from the smoke....Anyway I am glad we can agree to disagree...lol

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..I may be biased that they are worthless animals after seeing what a pit did to a 7 yr. old girl first hand and up close...And this pitbull was bred to fight, it had been a house dog from the time it was a pup, it just snapped one day...That is not the only case if you do a little research on the pitts that just "snapped" one day...Either way Like I said before I could care less about the dogs, Im not into the whole dogs are people thing...I was just a fan of the mans talent...So enough about the worthless dogs..If you wanna argue Vicks athletic ability Im game all day any day....

99% of the time, it's the owner not the dog, as evidenced by the fact that some of vicks dogs have been rehabbed to be therapy dogs.


Saving Michael Vick's Dogs

Pit Bulls Rescued From the Football Player's Fighting Ring Show Progress in an Unprecedented Rehabilitation Effort

When football superstar Michael Vick pleaded guilty last year to conspiring to run a dogfighting operation, we knew he had kept about 50 pit bulls on his 15-acre property in rural Surry County, Va., on a road named Moonlight. We knew the dogs were chained to car axles near wooden hovels for shelter. And we knew the dogs that didn't fight were beaten, shot, hanged, electrocuted or drowned.



Of the 49 pit bulls animal behavior experts evaluated in the fall, only one was deemed too vicious to warrant saving and was euthanized. (Another was euthanized because it was sick and in pain.)

More than a year after being confiscated from Vick's property, Leo, a tan, muscular pit bull, dons a colorful clown collar and visits cancer patients as a certified therapy dog in California. Hector, who bears deep scars on his chest and legs, recently was adopted and is about to start training for national flying disc competitions in Minnesota. Teddles takes orders from a 2-year-old. Gracie is a couch potato in Richmond who lives with cats and sleeps with four other dogs.

Of the 47 surviving dogs, 25 were placed directly in foster homes, and a handful have been or are being adopted. Twenty-two were deemed potentially aggressive toward other dogs and were sent to an animal sanctuary in Utah. Some, after intensive retraining, are expected to move on to foster care and eventual adoption.

How can this be? Reports of gruesome pit bull maulings make international news. Pit bulls are one of the few canine breeds thought to be so dangerous that they are banned in some places.

The answer, says Frank McMillan, a veterinarian who is studying the recovery of some of the Vick dogs, is that we don't know. "We've assumed all pits are the same, and we've never let this many fighting dogs live long enough to find out. There are hardly ever studies, because these animals don't survive," he said.

Classic fighting pit bulls, part bulldog and part terrier, were bred to be friendly to people and aggressive with other dogs. Their ability to withstand great pain and keep fighting is a quality prized as "gameness."

it's a pretty long article but decent reading, although I do understand your bias, seeing something like that would be traumatic. But it's usually not the dog

Intresting reading, but I wouldnt take a gamble with any of those dogs, an agressive dog is an agressive dog, whether it be agressive towards other dogs or humans...I would agree in putting the dogs in one of those dogs sanctuaries as mentioned in Utah..At least there they could get the attention they need without putting others at risk...Good find smoke...

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Certain breeds of dogs just are not good house pets regardless of how they were raised.Some older breeds have been bred to be hunters and attack dogs,it has become inbred instinct to them.Having said that ,many of these breeds ( with proper training and socialization ) can adapt well to their surroundings .As an example Chihuahua's are some of the worst dogs for biting believe it or not ,( not all as a rule ) but some they can be fear biters especially around children.Its never good when a human is attacked by an animal nor is it ever any good when a human abuses an animal.We are all entitled to our own opinions about what is worthless and what is'nt ,so while I can respect your opinion , I certainly don't share it.I would view human or animal abuse far more important than a football players stupidity.Just my 2c's worth.

I certainly respect your opnion as well...I dont want to be misunderstood either...I am an animal lover, and do not agree on any front that abusing dogs or any animal is ok....However I do belive some groups such a PETA take animal rights to the extreme sometimes, willing to put their own life up for an animal or some of these so called extreme enviromental groups that burn down million dollar houses in the name of saving the rain forest or whatever, but they dont think about the fact that burning a structure puts very bad things in the air and enviroment from the smoke....Anyway I am glad we can agree to disagree...lol

You make some good points there and that was a classy reply,I appreciate that. :D

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