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Shoulder Pads, Elbow Pads, Shin Pads

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Hey, I'm in the market for some new protective equipment and i need some advice from people that actually use these products. I Have tried on the Supreme One90, Stealth S9, Response R8. They all fit fine and theyre all in my price range so I wanted to hear any opinions from people that use them. I would like something protective with good mobility on the ice. I need as much protection as I can seeing as im shorter then a lot of my team mates and i play Bantam. Thanks in advance!

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i just got some One90 Elbows a few weeks ago and they are great! Great protection and mobility. Very comfortable and they barely feel like they are on my arm.

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I have the one90s and I find them extremely comfortable and they feel very protective. I have yet to take a hard shot off them but slashes don't even bother me. I love the streamline fit and they never shift on you. The ribs on the shin pad make weird bulges in your socks but it's all cosmetic, you don't really feel off balance when sliding on your shins as the peaks would suggest. They also flex like nothing else out of the box. I wouldn't be happier with anything else on the market.

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NBH stuff is all top notch. I've been in Nike V10 elbows/shin pads for years. I can't imagine that the new Supreme series will disapoint you.

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NBH stuff is all top notch. I've been in Nike V10 elbows/shin pads for years. I can't imagine that the new Supreme series will disapoint you.


In V11 stuff for elbows and shins, and they are extremely comfortable. They also have really good protection, so I can't imagine that the Supreme series isn't better than the line it's replacing.

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Thanks for all the input on the NBH stuff, but does anyone use the R8 equipment? I was also looking into that and i was curious about the mobility and ventilation.

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Thanks. Are the One90 shins comfortable if you wear them inside your skates (toung out) ?

I couldn't fit them inside my vapors... So i don't know.

I was looking into the R8s but basically I heard that they were loose, bulky and hot. I haven't seen them in person but if you look at the design it basically screams that they ARE loose, bulky and hot.

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Take a look at the Itech Shoulder pads...I don't think there is a sp that can compete..

Not many retailers carry the Itech pads, although I'll admit that I didn't check too hard at my LHS the last time I was there.

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I'm in the US, so it might be a little bit different as far as the number of shops that carry them go. I'll be sure to look for them, as I need new shoulder pads pretty badly.

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I use Stealth S9 elbows, stay on great, don't hamper movement at all, a nice compromise between the older style and newer style elbows.

I also use Sherwood 5030 shoulders, great mobility, lightweight, dirt cheap, decent protection. Wouldn't recommend them for shot blockers though. I did take a puck clearing in the chest yesterday, bounced right off, no pain.

Shins, I'm looking for new ones so I'll watch the thread.

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The Itech pads dont fit all that great on me, thanks anyway. And the sher-woods dont give enough protection, Im the kinda guy that stands infront of the net screening and tipping shots. Thats why i was looking into the R8 because of the protection. I'm leaning towards the One90 though...

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If you can find them I would go for the DR line of pads. I think that they offer the beast value for the money. With the money I saved over some of the other equipment companies I was able to get a new pair of gloves for the same price.

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Shins, I'm looking for new ones so I'll watch the thread.

If you wear 15's


Or 14's


I'll vouch for the itech 990's.. I got them when they were on clearence and they're awesome. I went through 5 different pairs of shin pads in one season,(Trying to find a pair that fit good.)before I found these. They are awesome.

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Shins, I'm looking for new ones so I'll watch the thread.

If you wear 15's


Or 14's


I'll vouch for the itech 990's.. I got them when they were on clearence and they're awesome. I went through 5 different pairs of shin pads in one season,(Trying to find a pair that fit good.)before I found these. They are awesome.

I went with the 660s

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Itech make really good shin, shoulder and elbow protection. I don't understand why more guys don't look at Itech. Their prices are also much more reasonable than the other major equipment manufacturers. I guess that most guys like to be wearing what's popular rather than what works well. Go figure.

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I did try on some Itechs, but they werent really that comfortable. It was like how some people cant wear one90 skates. Does ANYONE know anything about the R8 stuff, its cheaper than the one90 (cept for the shoulders-174.99-Ouch)

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Pretty low profile too? I might have to mosey on over and try them on. It is all of 8 blocks from my house... :P

Thanks for the heads up Chadd!

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For those who have checked them out, are the supreme 70 elbows significantly different in any respect to the one90 elbows? Theres only a 10 dollar difference, but if there is no difference really in the product then each saving can go towards getting a better other piece of equipment. Just curious as to what the differences are at all.

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Hi colin97, i hope i can give u something about the r8 stuff this weekend, when my 'protection-set' arrives: shins, ellbows, chest, gloves. (hopefully, i am in Germany, we are just waiting for the custom to check)


already got the r8 pants(velcro). coming from ccm 695, i'm used to the little bulky legs, they fit tighter on my hips, got slightley longer legs and lot more protection. I really like the kidney-protection and the lining. weight is like the reebok 8, ccm pro, my 695s or the new one90s are lighter for shure.

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