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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S11 Durability A Joke?

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I've skated in my Stealth S11's for 5 "stick and puck" sessions (no hitting, very easy skating) and 2 pick up games and my skates are falling apart. Should I return them to place I got them at? Should I go directly to Easton?




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90 day warranty on the boot, I believe. Take them back to your point of purchase with your dated receipt. Just don't mess with the holders. That will void the warranty.

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As with any skate model under warranty, just take back to your dealer, they will likey replace on the spot. Easy.

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Couldn't you resize the pics so we can actually see what is going on?

thats pretty sad, faulty stitching in 2 areas. i'd say see what the store has to say.

It's not stitched. Can't stitch carbon fibre...

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Couldn't you resize the pics so we can actually see what is going on?

thats pretty sad, faulty stitching in 2 areas. i'd say see what the store has to say.

It's not stitched. Can't stitch carbon fibre...

Click on the pics. They will resize to your screen.

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I understand your frustration about the tendon guard but with the stitching on the leather over the carbon I would say that it's almost expected and will happen to all of our skates in a matter of time. It's purly cosmetic down below. Like stated above; Is this just a bad apple or an ongoing issue. Nothing is perfect.

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That is what a 90 day warranty is there for. Problem solved. Ok, its a hassle to go back and return but its not like Easton is walking away from the skate once you bought it. If it happened in my shop it would be easily taken care of. Jeez, ask for a few sharpenings on the house for your trouble and if the shop is reputable, I would think its a no-brainer for them.

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My S15's had a similar problem. Noticed it while showing them to someone on the bench during my third time wearing them.


Called the store I bought them from, and they processed a return authorization for me right away. Said to ship my skates back to Easton and they'd either repair or replace them... I told them I'd rather get em replaced. Took about 5-6 weeks, but i got a brand new pair in. They've been holding up just fine... and, I absolutely love em! Granted, you have to know that I am fortunate in that Easton skates fit my feet like they were custom made just for me, which makes them easier to love. But, aside from the perfect fit, they are super light, and very responsive to my skating style.

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My S15's had a similar problem. Noticed it while showing them to someone on the bench during my third time wearing them.


Called the store I bought them from, and they processed a return authorization for me right away. Said to ship my skates back to Easton and they'd either repair or replace them... I told them I'd rather get em replaced. Took about 5-6 weeks, but i got a brand new pair in. They've been holding up just fine... and, I absolutely love em! Granted, you have to know that I am fortunate in that Easton skates fit my feet like they were custom made just for me, which makes them easier to love. But, aside from the perfect fit, they are super light, and very responsive to my skating style.

Exact same thing happened to my Synergy 1500c's after about an hour. I warrantied them and exchanged them for a pair of XXXX's. Couldn't be happier with the switch

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I was thinking about making the switch to a different brand, but I've been with Easton for 4 yrs now. I tried on XXXX's "D" width and it just seemed to put too much pressure on the ball of my foot.

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This has not happened to my S15's YET but I'm guessing that it will eventually. I'm thinking a light brush of Gorilla Glue should do the trick.

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