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Replacing JOFA 9077 elbow pads - Recommendations (and help with RBK sizing)

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I have a pair of JOFA 9077 elbow pads size5. They are very protective; extra length to the forearm (to almost reach gloves) and extended bicep pad (to protect when you straighten your arm).

I would like to replace them with something equivalent. Doesn't have to be RBK, but I thought it would be a simple conversion to RBK, maybe not...

I tried on some RBK's 7K, 6K, 5K they all seem short in length of the forearm and a size5 seems alot smaller than my old JOFA (and 6k doesnt have extended bicep pad). I tried a size7 in the RBK 6K and that seemed to be closer to what i needed!

any help or advice appreciated.

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Last years' 8K would be what you are looking for. I believe the Easton Synergy 800 also has a little more length in the forearm.

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Correct last years 8K's or this years 9K's. Both have the extended forearm piece on them.

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Correct last years 8K's or this years 9K's. Both have the extended forearm piece on them.

The North American 9k Doesnt have the extended forearm. However the Euro does.

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Not to try and jack this thread but my 8025s are pretty much dead, is there anything similar to this out now? I remember a few people on the board using them.

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Great thanks for the info and i appreciate the last clarification about USA 9k's being short vs. Euro style, i thought i was going a bit crazy as i looked them over.

Biggest thing now is the sizing: i found some old JOFA's but unfortunately out-of-state so can't try them on. I take a size5, but they have size6 and size7.

What difference will i find in a size 6 JOFA versus size 5 JOFA? how much longer is the forearm? any bigger in diameter of the bicep? or forarm wrap?

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