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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst uniforms ever (all sports)

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Ducks and Bruins jerseys are horrible, I've always disliked them. The fishstick jersey really isn't all that bad. As for the Canucks, looks like an edge design to me. No horizontal stripes, closer fit and vertical design on the side of the pants. I say the Canucks should just go back to that, it seems to meet the new criteria. Plus, it doesn't require a logo on the chest and that will save even more weight.

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I remember them. The White Sox were often not a very good team, so they had a lot of gimmicks, like these unis or the night they burned disco records.

Can you imagine diving as an infielder and skinning your knee, which would scab over and constantly reopen?

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I remember them. The White Sox were often not a very good team, so they had a lot of gimmicks, like these unis or the night they burned disco records.

Can you imagine diving as an infielder and skinning your knee, which would scab over and constantly reopen?

Hey, I'm exhibit A of that. At my baseball field, it's stonedust, and I'm a shortstop... pants don't save me there. I have a decent sized scar on my left knee from sliding on steals and making diving stops. It sucks, having a bloody knee game after game. I steal and dive quite frequently... So I could count on my knee being cut open by the 4th inning.

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Nothing beats the Cooperalls and the Jofa bucket...

the funniest thing is that last year our team had a pracky where you had to wear the sickest gear and you got a prize if you won and what do ya know the winner with the philly jersey and cooperalls hahah what a surprise

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haha, the pant numbers on those astros jerseys are pretty sick.

the pirates 99' jersey looks like a t-shirt you see the fat bald drunk in the nosebleed seats wearing at spring training because he can't afford a regular season ticket, and if you didn't know any better you'd think he couldn't afford to do a load of laundry or take a shower. the only thing that lets you know that hey this guy isn't homeless is the 30 rack he's got stowed under his bleacher seat and the millions of peanut shells and nacho trays at his feet. the logo is just too big, it's big enough to wrap around this dude's beer gut like a bun wraps around a hotdog. nasty

the bucs 81' looks like a highschool practice jersey, the way you can see right though it.

i think the only jersey wost than the canucks uni pictured is that design in yellow. that thing makes me want to gauge out my eyeballs with a plastic spork from KFC.

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i think the only jersey wost than the canucks uni pictured is that design in yellow. that thing makes me want to gauge out my eyeballs with a plastic spork from KFC.

Yeah, I'm surprised this didn't make #1. Perhaps it's safe to say it's off the charts!

(As I recall, the pants were yellow as well...a bit before my time though so I'm not 100% sure.)


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Guest mikemarshhhhhh

all time worst uniform...Nashville preds 3d jersey

worst color

a mixture or green,yellow,and gray

doesn't work

Were these really not on the list?


...that is horrible too

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Shouldn't the Mets get some sort of honorable mention since they have used what seems like 50-60 uniform combinations since 98 or so?

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anybody for the padres camo alternate from 03-04?


the preds 3rd is actually one of my favorite jerseys in hockey. i dont see what people hate about it so much.

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anybody for the padres camo alternate from 03-04?

Wasn't that in honor of the US military? Nope, I don't have a problem with it.

i didn't know the story behind it, i just remember seeing it in MVP baseball 2005 and couldn't believe it. I guess if they have a legit reason like that is a little better, still hidious though, especially considering they wore the orange and blue helmets with it.

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The Padres do the camos a few times a year now. They're actually really involved with the local military.

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i think the only jersey wost than the canucks uni pictured is that design in yellow. that thing makes me want to gauge out my eyeballs with a plastic spork from KFC.

Yeah, I'm surprised this didn't make #1. Perhaps it's safe to say it's off the charts!

(As I recall, the pants were yellow as well...a bit before my time though so I'm not 100% sure.)


no yellow pants, yellow socks though.


As for the Canucks, looks like an edge design to me. No horizontal stripes, closer fit and vertical design on the side of the pants. I say the Canucks should just go back to that, it seems to meet the new criteria. Plus, it doesn't require a logo on the chest and that will save even more weight.

these do sort of remind me of the edge style jerseys now come to think of it, especially the socks, i definitely see where the edge vibe is coming from.

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I vote Canucks as the worst as well. Their navy vintage jersey with the plain stick logo is pretty disgusting too. Although the Canucks do have one of the nicest jerseys in the league - their alternate blue fading to crimson.

For the Preds 3rd jersey most people feel that it's an ugly color, I like it because it's different.

And I also don't mind the Isles fisherman jersey, with a different logo that's a good looking uniform.

What about the LA Kings yellow/navy jerseys with the yellow pants, gotta be up on top.

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phoenix original 3rd


ouch. it actually wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for that trim, ditch the orange mountains and the cacti, some traditional stripes and thats not completely hidious.

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What about the LA Kings yellow/navy jerseys with the yellow pants, gotta be up on top.

Them jerseys were purple, not navy.

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