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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Ass Curve

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Wow, now that's a custom curve. Bizarre. Looks like some kid with a straight blade heated his stick up in the microwave then got it caught in the door on his way to practice. That never would have occured to me as a curve or a golf club.

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I've seen that curve! I was in St. Louis' lockerroom when they were visiting Detroit, and I saw Corso's sticks... I couldn't figure out which way he shoots. I actually found a similar curve in a wood blade, a CCM Markov (obviously pro, and I think it's Danny Markov). Left handed, really long blade, opens up slightly less than the Corso, but it's still pretty wicked. Good for passing, but every shot I took got up in a hurry. I cut one down, trimmed about 1 1/2" off the toe of the blade, but it was too much. I have 2 more that I'm gonna try again when I have some time.

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corso is a lefty if anyone wants to know. it almost looks like a straight blade with a crap load of loft. but it bends backwards a bit. crazy stuff.

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It looks like Yvan Cournoyer's sticks from later in his career. Those things looked like a 9 iron.

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One time I was in the hospital waiting for my mom to get off work and this guy was telling me about this hockey player that had a curve that was normal for the first half of it or so.. but then at the toe it completely curves the other way.. this guy was apparently small and fast... all he would do is just hang around the net and just put it right up over the shoulder of the goalie all the time...

it looked something like this... and I never saw it is just how the guy described it with his hands.... do you guys think that something like this would work?





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Probably talking about Leclair, it has a reverse loft from the middle of the blade to the toe.

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