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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS customer service

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where is the TPS customer service? i have emailed them numerous times and have not been emailed back.....they dont even put a # on their sticks......Help lol

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that sucks..... why dont they deal directly?

Most people complain about having to do it themselves.

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I never dealt with them through e-mails. I contacted them by phone and got everything set straight immediately. I found their customer service to be fantastic.

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When did tps start doing this? I broke an xn10 in like february, and I had to mail it in.

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I phoned them very close to when they released the first Responses. I remember I bought in a Detroit tournament because they weren't in my area (generally a great area) at the time, so to was very close to then. It was definately a few years ago.

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When did tps start doing this? I broke an xn10 in like february, and I had to mail it in.

I'm sure you can do it that way, however your LHS can assist you too.

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Im willing to bet that if you would actually just pick up the phone, there would be a person answering it on the other side. Email cant fix all your problems.

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i dont have a recipet but have proof of purchase (ebay auction).....it says on the warranty page that if its not bought from an authroized retailer, the warranty is void......but the person i bought it from had to buy it at a store...... BUT anyway, would tps still take care of me... i mean i took 4 shots with it b4 it started to crack

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just buy the same stick from a pro shop, and take the broken one you already have back to them, and you'll get another stick.

That's fraud and against the law.

When you buy on eBay, you pretty much screw yourself on the warranty.

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just buy the same stick from a pro shop, and take the broken one you already have back to them, and you'll get another stick.

Smart...real smart.

Especially when you have TPS employees reading this board.

I wonder about you guys sometimes, I really do.

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just buy the same stick from a pro shop, and take the broken one you already have back to them, and you'll get another stick.

That's fraud and against the law.

When you buy on eBay, you pretty much screw yourself on the warranty.

Unless the seller includes the original receipt and its within the 30 days.

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JR, yesterday a kid brought in an Xn10 and i went to ask the manager to see for sure, and i guess we couldnt do any thing about it. they had to go straight through the company.

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just buy the same stick from a pro shop, and take the broken one you already have back to them, and you'll get another stick.

Smart...real smart.

Especially when you have TPS employees reading this board.

I wonder about you guys sometimes, I really do.

I just love the fact that we all get stuck paying for the fraud. Thanks alot guys. If it weren't for all the fraud in the first place we would probably still be returning sticks to pro shops.

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