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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno maniac

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At the pure hockey sale they had these sticks...Inno maniacs....they looked just like the vapor xxx lite...same scheme and colors and wording..but its a dolomite painted different..seemed like a big hit at the sale..i saw so many people buy them one kid I saw walk out with 10 of them...I picked one up because i use a dolomite and a dolomite that looks like a vapor xxx lite for 75 bucks is awsome.

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sorry i thought the other warrior stick there (marley) was being covered...I was just seeing what people thought about it and if anyone else got them

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yeah they really did look just like xxx-lites, that's what i thought they were until i got closer. it's kinda weird that they would make them look like that. the stick area was crazy though, i saw kids walking out with as many as they could hold.

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If you find a pattern you like why not stock up. I was thinking of grabbing a few myself since it's pretty much what I am using right now. I probably shouldn't, but I know I will. LOL

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If you find a pattern you like why not stock up. I was thinking of grabbing a few myself since it's pretty much what I am using right now. I probably shouldn't, but I know I will. LOL

I went down after work. I saw the Inno's. Seemed like a decent stick for the price. I wasn't gonna buy another OPS so I passed. I did pick up a Vapor XXX-lite tapered shaft for $50. Too sweet of a deal to pass up.

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i just picked it up today while at that labor day tournament. saw the price and got it for a backup. seems like a nice backup. has anyone used it that has bought it? how is it?

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If anyone is still curious, Pure Hockey in Braintree still has a bunch of these, and the Inno "Marley" sticks in..... I believe $75 a pop.

I didn't find them to be of anything special... just felt like my Dolo to me.

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What is the pattern of this stick and is it a right or left. Please post some pics if anyone has some of the curve.

I spotted lefties, and a few righties... they had both models in the Fedorov, and Weight patterns, same as the Warrior patterns.

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just a heads up: these sticks don't come with warranties!!!

They are '06 models that sold for about $150 last year. They were manufactured by Innovative, which was bought out by warrior. inno designs warrior sticks now (the warriors say "inno design" on them). the inno maniac and marley are a pure hockey exclusive, and i was told by a sales rep there that they are basically the same stick, but the marley is a little more tacky.

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i meant grippy, no pun intended

but i went with the maniac over the marley because of your interpretation of "tacky"

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Tried mine today (Draper 100 flex) and LOVED it. shot was much harder and more accurate. It was easier to get up in the air.

note: I play inline, and I previously used wood sticks.

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they had a fedeorv but i dont think they have them in stock anymore exept for lefts

or they could be gettin new shipments in no idea

i went a couple days ago to pick up one and they didnt have any rights in senior only a bunch of lefts

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