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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fun skating clip

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I find the beginner obsession with "the hockey stop" to be facinating. I guess it looks cool or something -- evident by this video where they working so hard at stopping with style!

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...kinda like all the house league kids who spend all their time on the ice working on perfecting the Michigan Move (and it's many variations) when they should be focusing on fundamentals.

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They remind me of those ass-hat showoffs that haunt every public skate but you never see in drop in for some reason.

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They remind me of those ass-hat showoffs that haunt every public skate but you never see in drop in for some reason.

Oh God, I don't want to piss and moan but here goes:

I supervise open skate on Sundays.. or at least I did.

These kids will show up (rat rinks) and pull all this crap. Keep doing the same trick and sparying others with ice. Pisses me the hell of. It was really gratifying to see one of these punks fly into the boards once. Jeez.

Yeah, and they NEVER play. Not open hockey, not intramural. Kind of curious.

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Maybe they just like to skate and do tricks, in the same way that aggressive inliners are not into roller hockey.

Or the Long Drive Champ is a shitty golfer.

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Maybe they just like to skate and do tricks, in the same way that aggressive inliners are not into roller hockey.

Or the Long Drive Champ is a shitty golfer.

Hey now.. I can't golf for beans but I can hit a ball clear down the range lol. That is if I don't mix up my hobbies, get more ice behind the ball and end up breaking the head off (true story). :angry:

Still.. You can stop all pretty and have the nicest, well kept xp's in the rink. That doesn't mean dick to me until I see what you can do with a puck and stick. Looking at the video, the 2 kids skating don't have a single scuff on their holders. That makes me lean more toward thinking that they are rinkrats.

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