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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby clothing

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went by sportcheck today and wow its like a shrine for crosby. Posters everywhere, clothing everywhere. In one of those links it even shows him with two girls, how overated can he get.

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went by sportcheck today and wow its like a shrine for crosby. Posters everywhere, clothing everywhere. In one of those links it even shows him with two girls, how overated can he get.

Overhyped? Yes. Overrated? F No.

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went by sportcheck today and wow its like a shrine for crosby. Posters everywhere, clothing everywhere. In one of those links it even shows him with two girls, how overated can he get.

Overhyped? Yes. Overrated? F No.

Exactly, I mean I don't really see how a clothing line can be overrated. It's one of those things some people are going to like and others are going to hate. I seen some of the stuff the other day when I was in sport chek and some of it actually looked pretty nice, a little overpriced maybe though, but still not extremely overpriced.

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i just went to the mall looking for a thermal longsleeve, and picked a rbk one up at sportcheck. I was looking around at the other stuff and it didnt look bad at all. Nothing really stands out as "crosby" clothing apart from the sc87 logo. If your a diehard sid fan, dont expect anything too special in this line of clothes. Go buy a pens jersey or something

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went by sportcheck today and wow its like a shrine for crosby. Posters everywhere, clothing everywhere. In one of those links it even shows him with two girls, how overated can he get.

Overhyped? Yes. Overrated? F No.

Really, I'm not sure how overrated the top scorer in the league (at 19 no less) can be. It's not like he's Shane Doan.

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went by sportcheck today and wow its like a shrine for crosby. Posters everywhere, clothing everywhere. In one of those links it even shows him with two girls, how overated can he get.

I'm pretty sure you don't know the meaning of the word overrated. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean overexposed.

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