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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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12 20 2012

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ive heard about this stuff before , im kinda curious aboout what yur views are. dont flame me im just curious i have no views right now. if you think it is true could you show any evidence showing so?

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Maya Calendar.. world ending.. that sort of thing?

It's just another way for Human Nature to grab hold of our base fear that we won't survive.

Disaster movies, Y2K, Nuclear War, the sun eventually turning into a Red Giant and swallowing the Earth (oh.. wait, that probably will happen ;))...

All because we have this gift and curse called self-awareness.

Will the world end on that date? No.

Will it end before that date? Maybe.

Will it end at some point after that date? Definitely.

However, like every other doomsday scenario in Humanity's long and varied history... it'll pass virtually unnoticed.

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Agreed; I think it's all garbage. If they got it right - meh, good for them.

A few years back there was a cult of crazy Asians in the area who wore straw cowboy hats wherever they went and bathed in Lake Ontario every day. They had (rather publicly) predicted the coming of Doomsday, too - the date came and passed uneventfully...the cult soon thereafter left the area.

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I might leave my Christmas shopping till the 21st that year just incase, I mean I don't wanna waste my money.

lol it wouldnt make to much of a differene would it? the mayans were smart for there time. but how could they predict sothing like that? is it not just a guess. is there any ties to any religous books? bible, quaran ex ex..... like does anything fit together?

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Being about 15 when Terminator 2 came out, I was eagerly awaiting August 29th, 1997 as "D Day" when Skynet was going to take over and become self aware and start launching missles all over the US. Glad to see that that day passed....

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I thought it was 12/23/09... :P

Whatever the date is, it doesn't really matter. One problem in the somewhat immediate future is one of these asteroids whose trajectory passing the earth in the next decade will determine whether it will circle around and hit earth again in 2032. If it hits, it could take out, say, all of Europe.

But as for all ancient predictions, they're wrong. The world will eventually end, but it's unbelievably unlikely that it will happen on their predicted date. We have to worry about us (humanity) destroying itself much more than anything astronomical destroying us.

EDIT: Made a huge mistake. Had "unbelievably likely", which was the opposite of what I wanted to write lol

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There were other people saying the world was coming to an end at the turn of the century. Well, here we are in 2007 and we're still here -- in body anyway!

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There are alot of good sites that explain the theory if you type it into google. And when I say good sites, I do not mean its a good theory.

The Mayan calendar's theory is as stated -

The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the

Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic

(path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to

resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.

Although on every site I see they have some really good facts that leave you wondering. For example there is a quote somewhere in the Bible about the world ending sometime around this time.

The Bible states that the world will end after weapons of mass destruction have been around, and after several world wars have occured.

But when you are researching all of this info you get tangled into different websites about how Christ will appear in this age too. There are theorys saying that the Mayan calendar is not when the world ends but when Christ walks on Earth. Other theorys guess anywhere between 2012 - 2020. To me it is all a big toss up.

Honestly I think something will happen in a few years. I dont know what, but I dont think that all this time and research would go to nothing. I can only imagine the CNN channel the week before this.

And for the record, the title of this thread is incorrect. The Mayan calendar says 12/21 2012. Not 12/20.

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Yeah, since the Mayans knew nothing at all about Christ, they'd sure be able to predict when he's going to come back to life. Right...

And I'm not worried about the end of the world. I'm just worrying about the stock market and the crazy shit that it's going through right now. If it crashes, we will be forced to go to war with China, and that WILL BE the end of the world, period.

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Yeah, since the Mayans knew nothing at all about Christ, they'd sure be able to predict when he's going to come back to life. Right...

As far as I know the Mayans did not create that theory. I was just saying that it is a theory that is out there.

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Yeah, since the Mayans knew nothing at all about Christ, they'd sure be able to predict when he's going to come back to life. Right...

As far as I know the Mayans did not create that theory. I was just saying that it is a theory that is out there.

No I know, it's just that I think it's funny that other people believe that the Mayans made their prediction BECAUSE of Christ, when they didn't know anything about him. Totally defies any and all logic. Now that doesn't discount the Mayans doing it for their own deities, but the idea that they made the prediction for a Christian event is very ignorant.

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To get back on topic I would like to hear some opinions about theorys when the Earth will actually be doomed.

Do you guys lean towards how the Bible describes it? When Jesus tells us that man kind will destroy it before an astroid would?

Or do you guys lean towards the idea of an astroid?

There are a few ways that man kind could destroy the world. Many of which are already a hot topic on any debate forum. Global warming. Over Population, Polution, Nuclear war?

I like hearing your guys views because I honestly dont know what I think and your opinions influence mine.

Ive been reading from this site and it had alot of facts. I found it helpful. If anyone is actually interested in following this subject up.


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I might leave my Christmas shopping till the 21st that year just incase, I mean I don't wanna waste my money.

lol it wouldnt make to much of a differene would it? the mayans were smart for there time. but how could they predict sothing like that? is it not just a guess. is there any ties to any religous books? bible, quaran ex ex..... like does anything fit together?

Maybe it wouldn't make much difference to you but me and Daxflame have a completley floorless plan. ;)

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