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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to buy longer hockey sticks?

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I'm a taller guy, 6'6", and when I buy sticks, I need to make them significantly longer. This results in the flex getting weaker.

Does anyone know where I can special order longer sticks, that'll hold their flex?

I usually use around a 100 flex, but when I make it longer it usually feels like 85 or 90.

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Because that's great if you want a ~100 flex stick but extensions suck and I'd rather have more shaft than plug to hold onto.

Shafts: Pro stock ULs if you can find them. They're the easiest shaft to find in a 120 flex and that's why my Grip Lites are like children to me.

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I'll second what Mack said .A friend of mine picked up a Patrick Marleau pro stock grip lite shaft a few years ago that was quite a bit longer than a normal grip lite ( and stiffer too ) .I seem to remember he got it from Eastwest hockey in northern California ( if memory serves ? ) Maybe you could give them a shout to see what they have ?

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This is why being a beginner was so hard. I'd love to just get a wood stick or two, but the damned things come too short, and shafts are damned expensive unless you get a used or junk one.

I resorted to buying a pair of 52" shafts, getting the tallest blades and sticking 4" in the top. I have a cut SL with 7" of wood on the end, and a TPS OPS with 2".

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I'm a taller guy, 6'6", and when I buy sticks, I need to make them significantly longer. This results in the flex getting weaker.

Does anyone know where I can special order longer sticks, that'll hold their flex?

I usually use around a 100 flex, but when I make it longer it usually feels like 85 or 90.

Try prostock sticks. Another thing, get a stiffer flex, like a 110, and use the extension. Should be around 100.

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I'd rather have more shaft than plug to hold onto.

can. not. stop. laughing. :lol:

You would have to be pretty goofy looking if you were so tall you need that much plug.

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