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Sher-Wood 5030 Shoulder Pads

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Got a question for your 5030 devotees out there. What size would you recommend for someone with a 45" chest? I'm looking to minimize bulk if at all possible, and would really like to fit a large. I've always had problems fitting shoulder pads and my 452 tacks in XL are just a hair too big.

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You can untie the chest and back parts and stretch it out a couple inches if need be. I'd go a size small and adjust to your needs.

No clue what my chest size is, but I wear medium shirts and wear a medium 5030.

BTW, they are the greatest shoulder pads ever.

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I had 2 pairs. Tried L but it felt too bra like, so went to XL and they're perfect. I normally rock an XL t-shirt.

Best shoulder pads ever, probably my favorite piece of protective gear I own.

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these old school shoulder pads makes me think if i bought them i feel old.

Heh, don't care if I feel old wearing them, just if I feel less bulky.

Ordered them in large.

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I had 2 pairs. Tried L but it felt too bra like, so went to XL and they're perfect. I normally rock an XL t-shirt.

Best shoulder pads ever, probably my favorite piece of protective gear I own.

Not to get too OT...but what do you do in your spare time? :P

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They really are the best shoulder pads ever. I've been wearing them for a couple of weeks now, and went back to my old Jofa 9950 (i think) and the difference in mobility was crazy.

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Yeah no matter what shape or size you are, if you get the generally right size for you, they fit you perfectly and you don't even feel them when you play. I could even beef up the chest and it would still be unnoticeable.

Has anyone used one of those RBK triple impact long sleeve performance shirts with the rib and wrist protection coupled with the 5030s? I was thinking about getting some because it seems like it would be a nice minimal way of adding some rib protection.

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these old school shoulder pads makes me think if i bought them i feel old.

Heh, don't care if I feel old wearing them, just if I feel less bulky.

Ordered them in large.

I'm slightly smaller and have my XLs laced fairly widely. You will probably have some problems getting them to fit properly.

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these old school shoulder pads makes me think if i bought them i feel old.

Heh, don't care if I feel old wearing them, just if I feel less bulky.

Ordered them in large.

I'm slightly smaller and have my XLs laced fairly widely. You will probably have some problems getting them to fit properly.

Hurm, I was going by the "shirt size" metric given so far. Well, I think we'll see today whether or not I made the wrong choice.

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I've definitely thought about the RBK impact shirt, but I don't know if I want to give up the cooler short sleeve shirt; heat is my primary concern out on the ice as that's why I got the 5030's in the first place.

I have really wide shoulders and go shirt size. My shoulder width is between M and L but my height and weight and more between S and M. So I went M and it fits well.

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Pads came in the mail today. They fit snugly around the chest, but I didn't have to unlace them hardly at all. I'm a little surprised by the length..I thought they'd be a bit longer. Put them on for a minute, like everyone said these pads are like nothing's on ( when compared to my other set).

When my wife saw them she complimented me on my new training bra.

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Pads came in the mail today. They fit snugly around the chest, but I didn't have to unlace them hardly at all. I'm a little surprised by the length..I thought they'd be a bit longer. Put them on for a minute, like everyone said these pads are like nothing's on ( when compared to my other set).

When my wife saw them she complimented me on my new training bra.

I also had to get used to the shorter length, but they're great pads and I've had no issues thus far with any belly or rib hits.

I won't use any other shoulder pads from here on out.

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I also had to get used to the shorter length, but they're great pads and I've had no issues thus far with any belly or rib hits.

I won't use any other shoulder pads from here on out.

I'm not too concerned with belly hits (after all, that's why I've imbibed so much beer and skarfed so many wings), but I've broken ribs on a few occasions and it sucks. At least, I think, with these pads I'll have a smile on my face when I get some ribs smashed by a puck because I'm finally free from those god-awful, cinder block Tacks pads.

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I hate to feed into myths (like the myth that beefier pads will protect you from shoulder accidents), but has anyone ever had an "accident" in these? What's the collar bone protection like?

Last question: are these "as good as" or "better" alternatives to the RBK 4k (my next planned purchase) for an adult rec league?

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I had a pair of XL, I think, and they were too big. Sold em off to ebay. I found some old-school Bauers that are sweet, but I never wear them. Once you get used to playing without them, shoulder pads are tough to get used to.

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These pads only seem to provide a level of impact protection from sticks and pucks and harder shoulder caps to protect from the boards. I don't think the pads will prevent any serious injury, only reduce the likelihood of bruising. So the pads will make a high shot hurt a lot less, but if someone two hands you across the collarbone good luck.

That said, for us rec and beer leaguers, they're a great way to get fewer bruises from wayward pucks without donning 15 pounds of incredibly warm gear.

That 4k looks pretty similar, maybe just a bit more coverage and a bit more protection although it could be warmer depending on the material.

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If I played in a hitting league, I probably would consider a bit more protection than the 5030. These things were tailored for the noncontact beer leaguer who doesn't dive in front of slappers. The only minor bruise I've had when wearing these was when I deflected a shot off my stick and it hit me in the chest. Nothing major, but it did feel like a small bruise.

A head on shot or a two hander to the chest would probably hurt and leave a mark, but it probably would if you had a 4K or any other type of pad.

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Has anyone here tried the elbow pads of this set?

Yeah, I had them for a little while. They are definitely a lot like the old school pads of the past -- light, non-restrictive, but not great protection. They are minimalist pads, just like the 5030 shoulders. They're pretty cheap so try 'em out if you wanna go "old school."

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Has anyone here tried the elbow pads of this set?

Yeah, I had them for a little while. They are definitely a lot like the old school pads of the past -- light, non-restrictive, but not great protection. They are minimalist pads, just like the 5030 shoulders. They're pretty cheap so try 'em out if you wanna go "old school."

I may be mistaken, but I don't think those elbow pads offer much for slash protection on the forearm, either.

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