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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Canada Socks

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I'd be interested in team canada socks also, im thinking about those Nike's which had a vertical stripe in the front. Any1 knows what i'm talking about?

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I guess I'll pose this question here as to starting a new thread, has anybody seen the Nike Swift Current jerseys by Athletic Knit?

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Swift, and no, they are not available to the public.

I have a pair though in red. They are interesting...and no, I'm not selling.

How much do you want for them????????Joking aside, how do you like them? It is hard for me to believe that they are all that great compared to a regular sock. Am I wrong?

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Eff that, there were some Swift socks on german Ebay a while ago.. Went for around $10. I should have snagged em.

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Has there been any notion of Swift practice gear being made for the public? Such as solid color jersey and socks? In fact, what about edge stuff? I find it funny that NHLers are still using the "slower, heavy, and less safe" non form fitting jerseys in practice. That being said, I would love to get my hands on some solid color edge stuff as well.

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Athletic Knit has Team Canada and Team USA Swift jerseys, I'm just not quite sure if they are cut the same, they appear to be.

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Has there been any notion of Swift practice gear being made for the public? Such as solid color jersey and socks? In fact, what about edge stuff? I find it funny that NHLers are still using the "slower, heavy, and less safe" non form fitting jerseys in practice. That being said, I would love to get my hands on some solid color edge stuff as well.

I can't believe hockey has survived this long with the jerseys and socks regular joes like you and I still have to wear :rolleyes:

That being said I wouldn't mind trying the swift/edge cut stuff, I usually hate tight jerseys though so I can't imagine I would like it much.

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Has there been any notion of Swift practice gear being made for the public? Such as solid color jersey and socks? In fact, what about edge stuff? I find it funny that NHLers are still using the "slower, heavy, and less safe" non form fitting jerseys in practice. That being said, I would love to get my hands on some solid color edge stuff as well.

I can't believe hockey has survived this long with the jerseys and socks regular joes like you and I still have to wear :rolleyes:

That being said I wouldn't mind trying the swift/edge cut stuff, I usually hate tight jerseys though so I can't imagine I would like it much.

Same here. I like the knit socks too. I remember JR telling the story of when he fell and almost picked up speed.. I don't want to go flying into the boards faster than I have to lol.

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Has there been any notion of Swift practice gear being made for the public? Such as solid color jersey and socks? In fact, what about edge stuff? I find it funny that NHLers are still using the "slower, heavy, and less safe" non form fitting jerseys in practice. That being said, I would love to get my hands on some solid color edge stuff as well.

I can't believe hockey has survived this long with the jerseys and socks regular joes like you and I still have to wear :rolleyes:

That being said I wouldn't mind trying the swift/edge cut stuff, I usually hate tight jerseys though so I can't imagine I would like it much.

Didn't you hear? Hockey was teetering on the line of death because of all the unsafe equipment being used :P

I'm fine with my current apparel, but with all the hype surrounding the form-fitting era, I'd like to give the stuff a shot.

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Has there been any notion of Swift practice gear being made for the public? Such as solid color jersey and socks? In fact, what about edge stuff? I find it funny that NHLers are still using the "slower, heavy, and less safe" non form fitting jerseys in practice. That being said, I would love to get my hands on some solid color edge stuff as well.

I can't believe hockey has survived this long with the jerseys and socks regular joes like you and I still have to wear :unsure:

That being said I wouldn't mind trying the swift/edge cut stuff, I usually hate tight jerseys though so I can't imagine I would like it much.

Same here. I like the knit socks too. I remember JR telling the story of when he fell and almost picked up speed.. I don't want to go flying into the boards faster than I have to lol.

Actually, I didn't fall...I deliberately dropped to my knees.

It would be scary if I actually did...

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Rather than start a new thread with a question that will prob be answered in one post, does anyone know if you can buy, and if so where from, the Russian jerseys from the super series? I think they look really good and wouldn't mind one. Cheers.

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