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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One more reason the NFL is the best league

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Saw that yesterday. I pictured hockey doing that...how badass would that be?

It'd be great in any sport...

"Leave nothing...

...on the ice"

...on the field"

...on the pitch"

...on the diamond"

...in the ring"

...in the tank"

...on the mat"


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Saw that yesterday. I pictured hockey doing that...how badass would that be?

It'd be a niche since it's not really exciting to anyone in the grand scheme of marketing.

I'm ok with Michael Mann grooming Peter Berg as his replacement if it means he'll make more adverts like this.

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Saw it yesterday. Sweet spot - but I couldn't figure-out where I had heard that background music before, and it was driving me absolutely insane...

...then it just hit me. DaVinci Code.

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Saw it yesterday. Sweet spot - but I couldn't figure-out where I had heard that background music before, and it was driving me absolutely insane...

...then it just hit me. DaVinci Code.

My condolences for seeing that movie but it's from Last of the Mohicans, a movie that should never be tainted in any kind of connection to that one.

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Yeah, I know. I went and saw it opening night on kind of a whim - I saw all the Jesus-people standing outside the cinema protesting with their signs and whatnot, and figured going out of my way to see The DaVinci Code would be just as good a way to pay my mother back for all those miserable Sunday mornings in church (morning skates, all-day roadies and tournaments used to be my only reprieve) as any other.

I can't say I've ever seen Last of the Mohicans, but I hear it's a solid flick.

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I saw it on a plane and it knocked me out. Movies dealing with Christ are touchy because this one makes him out to be a playa and the Mel Gibson one seemingly makes him a huge BDSM hound.

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I thought that was an HGH commercial.....

Movies dealing with Christ are touchy because this one makes him out to be a playa and the Mel Gibson one seemingly makes him a huge BDSM hound.

apparently god didn't like the Mel Gibson one because he zapped the dude playing Jesus with lightning a couple times while they were filming... :angry: (not joking-true story)

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The commericial made me find the song... great tune from Last of the Mohicans.

Majority of NFL player celebrations and behavior on the field is a joke, but hell of a commericial.

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It's been years since I've seen "Last Of The Mohicans," but I remember being disappointed. I can't remember why I didn't like it, however, whether it was acting, story, dialogue, etc.

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Leave Nothing should be Michael Vics motto and not Nike..I can see Vic doin the commercial, Leave Nothing, escpecially evidence...

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It's been years since I've seen "Last Of The Mohicans," but I remember being disappointed. I can't remember why I didn't like it, however, whether it was acting, story, dialogue, etc.

That's one of my all time favorite movies! I understand that the DVD is the directors cut only and he mangled some scenes and the flow of the movie.. I still just have the VHS of since I don't have a region-less DVD player .

That is a cool looking commercial, but IMO it will get old quick!

THIS is the best ad I have seen in a while.

I love this spot.


Here is the song;

nope this one has the song (scene from the movie)

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