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TPS R2 Shaft

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I was given one of these yesterday because a friend broke one of my Inno shafts. Was just curious due to my lack of TPS experience. It's brand new never used and a reg. flex.

Thanks in advance

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Which R2 is it? TPS has changed their stick labels over the past couple of years and makes it a touch difficult to decipher which stick is which. Can you post pics of it?

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It is one of their top of the line shafts from last year. Great shaft that you picked up. It has a shorter taper so it won't "load" like some shafts, but it will give you a quick release for sure. Also.....TPS sticks and shafts are renowned for "breaking in" a bit, so the flex will soften up a bit too. Great shaft....hope that you enjoy it.

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I have both an original R2 shaft and an XN10 R2 shaft.Both are great shafts, the XN10 is lighter and seems to have more ' pop' on shots than the R2,but the R2 is also an excellent shaft ( being the predecessor to the XN10 R2.)All in all I can't say enough good things about TPS shafts and sticks and think you'll love your new shaft.Good luck and enjoy.

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I've heard this before about Inno. shafts and sticks haveing a lot of Torque. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Sorry to ask a dumb question but; What do you mean by torque on the stick? What would I feel or notice?

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When innos flex, they twist a bit. My novius is pretty noticable in this regard.

They were the worst. 1100s didn't twist as much, but they also didn't kick as much.

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Actually, my nike quest 1 makes the novius look downright stable in this regard. I forgive the inno shafts bc they get off such hard shots.

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Actually, my nike quest 1 makes the novius look downright stable in this regard. I forgive the inno shafts bc they get off such hard shots.

The Hespeler 9010 didn't have that problem but I think the 0 shaft shape made a big difference.

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with my 1100, I used a very stiff flex so it was mitigated a bit. That stick did explode 12" from the bottom though. Another big issue I have noticed with inno are lumps on their shafts, at least the innovative branded ones and both quests I had. I also returned a few shafts I ordered over the years bc they weren't quite straight stock. My favorite shaft ever is the christian diamondlite bc it is a beast and will not twist.

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When innos flex, they twist a bit. My novius is pretty noticable in this regard.

Do you think that was due to the boron spine that they used on the back side of the Novious shaft?

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I'm looking forward to try it out today. How long before the shaft breaks in and the flex eases up a bit?

Thanks again for all the info.

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i love TPS sticks and shafts of the past. i've used 2 response plus broken ops' converted to tapered shafts, and 1 xn10 ops converted to tapered shaft. i found the xn10 unbalanced, the response shafts provided better balance imo. i used the shafts with the prostock mission graphite tapered blades. i could not differentiate the performance difference between the 2 models.

my last response plus shaft bit the bullet this past season though, so i'm in the market for a new shaft/stick. just ordered a new adrenaline control from hockeygiant, i havent been a fan of OPS's the last couple years, lets see what the latest offering can bring.

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I have to say that the balance of the R2 combined with an Inno. blade seems to be really nice IMO. I dont find it to be heavy or lopsided in weight either way. Although I do prefer a rather heavier stick 465g or so in todays terms that is, but I dont even think it's that much.

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