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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tight Gloves

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I know the NBH One90 and the Supreme lines are "tight". I tried them on today and they are certainly tight around the fingers, but are there any that are tight around the whole hand? Like a glove I guess..

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The only problem with going to a smaller size is that the fingers will most likely be too short.

What you could do is take a pair of NBH One-whatevers and put an insert in the glove, such as the back of the hand pad from an older glove.

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The only problem with going to a smaller size is that the fingers will most likely be too short.

What you could do is take a pair of NBH One-whatevers and put an insert in the glove, such as the back of the hand pad from an older glove.

Thats an issue I deal with yearly. I have no idea what makes a compnay decide on an average finger length but never the less they seem to always be to short. Even the size up seems to be short as well just with more wiggle room.

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you should talk to MIA. They can make gloves for you that fit tighter than normal. I had them make me a pair because i prefer a more "fitted" glove

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Look into lacrosse gloves....

I don't think Lacrosse gloves have as much protection (or at least, the protection is in different places) than hockey gloves.

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I like tighter fitting gloves and went with CCM Vectors. They are not quite as tight as One90's in the fingers, but they seem to fit my hand very well and are a tighter fit than Vapor gloves.

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Look into lacrosse gloves....

I don't think Lacrosse gloves have as much protection (or at least, the protection is in different places) than hockey gloves.

They don't have as much protection overall. Not as much materials and I believe they are missing the padding on the sides of the index and pinky.

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I second the Eagle X72's with the padding in them. I was amazed at how tight they were.

I third them :P Try getting them in nylon though, the outer shell on my pleather ones rip easily because they have plastic inserts in them.

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mission, supreme and this years vector.

The vectors now have the shortest fingers. I like tight gloves and I get most gloves a size down to meet my desires but the new vectors in 15" have my fingers touching the ends.

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