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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pump Question

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Im thinking of getting a pair of 9ks and seeing as i dont have anywhere to try them on im a litte unsure of what to expect from the pump feature. Does the pump make a big difference or is the boot still top performing if you dont use the pump?


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the pump is in the ankle, it is nice for people like me with wide feet, and smaller ankles becasue the air will fill up and help lock your heel in place and also makes the skate very comfortable, i have never skated in my 9k without the pumps filled up so i can not comment on that.

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I was actually surprised with the pump feature because I happen to try them and, they werent comfortable at all. =/ I know its all PP but I thought the pump feature was suppose to hold the entire heel

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I have the RBK 6K roller hockey blades, and i love the pump, but like Ogie said, it's not any performance boost. It's more for comfort.

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I saw some pump shoes in a rbk outlet store.

Sorry, back on topic...

I've heard some pump skates blowing out. Since I decided to not take that risk, I never actually bought pump skates, so I have no idea about the durability. I tried it on at my LHS, it seems pretty good (if I had proof it wouldn't blow out).

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I saw some pump shoes in a rbk outlet store.

Sorry, back on topic...

I've heard some pump skates blowing out. Since I decided to not take that risk, I never actually bought pump skates, so I have no idea about the durability. I tried it on at my LHS, it seems pretty good (if I had proof it wouldn't blow out).

So then, I guess you won't buy skates until you have proof the steel won't snap, or the holder break or the stitching come out, or the sole plate seperating, or the blade coming loose. All things will fail eventually, but you shouldn't get anal over it. The pump is very reliable. Many pumps from the orig early 90's Tacks are still going strong. I will say the reported failures from the pumps failing are likely the cause of improper heat molding, over temp or heating too long, or inflating the bag while hot. By people who don't know what they are doing.

I've had my pump for 2 yrs, the same air is in it when I pumped it the first time. It's a pretty reliable system.

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Many pumps from the orig early 90's Tacks are still going strong. I will say the reported failures from the pumps failing are likely the cause of improper heat molding, over temp or heating too long, or inflating the bag while hot. By people who don't know what they are doing.

I have a pair of 652's that I converted to inline, and all bladders work great, even found an Insta-Pump gun on ebay :) Most bladder failures I heard of were mostly due to people Not deflating them when they take off their skate, and then putting the skate back on, and pumping it up again while the bladder was still full. But those other causes Jimmy mentioned will kill the 9K's bladders very prematurely too.

I think I now have the record for saying Bladder the most in a post.


ok, I'm done, I swear

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I saw some pump shoes in a rbk outlet store.

Sorry, back on topic...

I've heard some pump skates blowing out. Since I decided to not take that risk, I never actually bought pump skates, so I have no idea about the durability. I tried it on at my LHS, it seems pretty good (if I had proof it wouldn't blow out).

So then, I guess you won't buy skates until you have proof the steel won't snap, or the holder break or the stitching come out, or the sole plate seperating, or the blade coming loose. All things will fail eventually, but you shouldn't get anal over it. The pump is very reliable. Many pumps from the orig early 90's Tacks are still going strong. I will say the reported failures from the pumps failing are likely the cause of improper heat molding, over temp or heating too long, or inflating the bag while hot. By people who don't know what they are doing.

I've had my pump for 2 yrs, the same air is in it when I pumped it the first time. It's a pretty reliable system.

I heard some very inconsistent results. Half from people like you, and half from the others.

being a goalie, I was torn between the graf and the rbk, and I also neglected to mention that the technician guy said that sometimes the replaceable blade was a little loose/shaky. Sorry about my not being clear.

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I have had 5K, 7K, and 9K Pumps (still own the 9K), and have had NO issues whatsoever with the Pump. I personally only know of 1 instance, and the guy was pushing on/pulling off the boot with the Pump still inflated.... and in my opinion, the product can't be held accountable if it is misused.

Sadly enough, his salesperson told him "Pump it up about 30 times so you get a nice ankle pack, then put the skate on..."

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I was tempted to buy the 7K with the pump a while back but I just don't see it effecting my skating to any degree. It just locks in your heel a bit better and makes it more comfortable around the ankle. I guess I think of it as just one extra thing that can go wrong with the skate in time as it gets older, not to say there is anything wrong with the air bladder feature, it's a great idea. I've heard lots of guys rave about the pumps and they really like it. I guess it's just something that doesn't appeal to me in particular. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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It makes for a custom fit but does not affect performance one way or the other (used or not).

So your telling me that you can wear the 9ks without using the pump feature and just break them in normally and they will perform like any other top performing skate? I am not thinking of ignoring the pump feature if i get the skates, im just curious :P

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So your telling me that you can wear the 9ks without using the pump feature and just break them in normally and they will perform like any other top performing skate? I am not thinking of ignoring the pump feature if i get the skates, im just curious


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So your telling me that you can wear the 9ks without using the pump feature and just break them in normally and they will perform like any other top performing skate? I am not thinking of ignoring the pump feature if i get the skates, im just curious :P

You most certainly can... the only thing is, without using the Pump, you won't have much of an ankle pack in the skate...

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I saw some pump shoes in a rbk outlet store.

Sorry, back on topic...

I've heard some pump skates blowing out. Since I decided to not take that risk, I never actually bought pump skates, so I have no idea about the durability. I tried it on at my LHS, it seems pretty good (if I had proof it wouldn't blow out).

So then, I guess you won't buy skates until you have proof the steel won't snap, or the holder break or the stitching come out, or the sole plate seperating, or the blade coming loose. All things will fail eventually, but you shouldn't get anal over it. The pump is very reliable. Many pumps from the orig early 90's Tacks are still going strong. I will say the reported failures from the pumps failing are likely the cause of improper heat molding, over temp or heating too long, or inflating the bag while hot. By people who don't know what they are doing.

I've had my pump for 2 yrs, the same air is in it when I pumped it the first time. It's a pretty reliable system.

I heard some very inconsistent results. Half from people like you, and half from the others.

being a goalie, I was torn between the graf and the rbk, and I also neglected to mention that the technician guy said that sometimes the replaceable blade was a little loose/shaky. Sorry about my not being clear.

When the skates first came out, the blades did loosen. RBK added some washers to help keep them tight. As with any skate with replaceable blades, all player skates as well, the owner has to occasionally check the tightness. When I hear mine click, when I get home I tighten them. It's not a big event, simple socket or screwdriver.

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I got me a pair of 9ks but the Pump is broken. Im so mad. The left skate is fine, but the right one is busted. Any clue where those pumps can break? I held the skate next to my ear but i couldnt here a sound of deflating air or something.. I hope that i can exchange em, tho, i swapped the holders (which also wasnt that cheap).

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if i were you i would get the ccm vector 10.0 if you havent already bought the pumps. i had those first and i now have the pumps and the vectors are more comfortable in my opinion

If they are more comfortable for you though.....then that is because they are completely different skates with regards to fit. I went from the Vector 8.0's to the 7K's. Vectors are narrower through the midfoot and with a much steeper and more abrupt arch support and narrower heel. Compare that to the wider midfoot, shallower arch support and wider heel pocket. There is a reason that you find the Vectors more comfortable.....you have a narrow profile foot vs a wider one.

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no i meant the 8k nearly the same thing it just doesn't have the pump feature

I owned a pair of both 8k and 9k. I thought the fit was the same minus the pump, but I don't use the pump in my 9k. If you're a gram counter, the 8k was a bit lighter because it didn't have the pump. Both are great skates. The only reason I made the switch was because the ankle in my left 8k blew out after 6 months. RBK was great about replacing them even with my lightspeeds on them. Just my two cents.

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I own the 9ks and I haven't had any problems at all. I use mine up to 5-6 times a week. I put mine on, pump them about 5-6 times, then lace them up and I'm good to go. Never had any problems with the boot or pump and I'm notoriously hard on skates.

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I currently wear RBK 9K's and before that i had ccm 752's with the ankle pump, i love them but seldom do i ever pump them up. I find if you tie them up in the dressing room and they become loose, i will give them a couple pumps to snug them up, but other than that i find them extremely comfortable. The 752's were bought in 1997 and are still going strong (with a friend of mine).

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