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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC sticker

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USA hockey is going to check every helmet to see if it has the "HECC" sticker on the back, if not your done for the game. its already happened to about 10 people last weekend.. I do not have one on my helmet.. Does anyone know anything i could do without buying a new helmet??

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This is a joke, unless someone has a weird helmet, why bother, if someone has a NBH 4500 or CCM 652 or 1052 or any other widely available helmet whats the point, I could see if someone alters the helmet like added vents or something to kick them from that but removing a sticker does not affect the structural integrity of a helmet.

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when i was working at the rink, we had a goalie that somehow had electronic fans in his helmet. We thought it was a camera pack for the longest time and just dismissed it. anyway, when upper management found out, they made him use another mask.

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Not only are they checking HECC stickers, but even if you have one and the date on the helmet has past, you cannot use the helmet. I think the whole reason for enforcement is so that kids aren't using old helmets that may be more likely to fail upon impact.

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when i was working at the rink, we had a goalie that somehow had electronic fans in his helmet. We thought it was a camera pack for the longest time and just dismissed it. anyway, when upper management found out, they made him use another mask.

This may be against the rules but this is awesome. If he could patent it and get the certs, he may have something for the roller hockey goalies complaining about how hot it gets.

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Not only are they checking HECC stickers, but even if you have one and the date on the helmet has past, you cannot use the helmet. I think the whole reason for enforcement is so that kids aren't using old helmets that may be more likely to fail upon impact.

I think it's a good idea, the shame is that parents and coaches don't care enough to make sure kids are protected and the refs have to do it for them.

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Not only are they checking HECC stickers, but even if you have one and the date on the helmet has past, you cannot use the helmet. I think the whole reason for enforcement is so that kids aren't using old helmets that may be more likely to fail upon impact.

I bought a helmet a couple years ago...the HECC sticker said it was good until 2010. Helmets cost anywhere from $60 right up to $200.00. Take a mid range number...say it costs $110.00 every 5-6 years to protect your BRAIN. Not a bad idea. Why wear a helmet past it's "expiry date"

The team were playing sunday has 6 suspensions because of the new rule

Is it really a "new" rule, or are they just enforcing it more than past years.

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I play Junior in Canada and officiate here too. My Grandfather used to work for CSA as an international inspector. I took the hecc and CSA stickers off of my Refs helmet because he says once a sticker goes on the helmet its no longer certified so we have OMHA stickers on some of our helmets and they are no longer certified so why have the stupid hecc and csa stickers on anyways. My supervisor also told me a couple of weeks ago that there going to start checking for this type of thing here and there and if teams have team stickers on there helmets they really dont give a damn up north anyways if you have the CSA or HECC sticker because quite frankly its no longer valid so whats the point.

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It is very stupid.. anyone playing at my level is going to have a decent helmet (HECC). I just bought a 4500 for my dad so il probably try and take the sticker of that and pop it on my 5000

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Question, they have Csa and Hecc isnt one for the states and one for canada and if so if i go down to the states and only have my CSA stick will they kick me off the ice?

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Question, they have Csa and Hecc isnt one for the states and one for canada and if so if i go down to the states and only have my CSA stick will they kick me off the ice?

Im in Jersey and we only need HECC, but if you play down here i dont think you would have a problem playing with CSA

are they going to do this for all levels of play (batams, peewee, squirts ect.)

I would imagine. We have a league officer that is friends with the owner of our rink and he was really enforcing it and is even making the coaches during practice have the sticker. I did just get back from Silver Sticks in PA and nothing was said about it there..

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I play Junior in Canada and officiate here too. My Grandfather used to work for CSA as an international inspector. I took the hecc and CSA stickers off of my Refs helmet because he says once a sticker goes on the helmet its no longer certified so we have OMHA stickers on some of our helmets and they are no longer certified so why have the stupid hecc and csa stickers on anyways. My supervisor also told me a couple of weeks ago that there going to start checking for this type of thing here and there and if teams have team stickers on there helmets they really dont give a damn up north anyways if you have the CSA or HECC sticker because quite frankly its no longer valid so whats the point.

Actually there are some stickers that do not void the certification. I got an affidavit from one company when we stocked their stickers.

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I play Junior in Canada and officiate here too. My Grandfather used to work for CSA as an international inspector. I took the hecc and CSA stickers off of my Refs helmet because he says once a sticker goes on the helmet its no longer certified so we have OMHA stickers on some of our helmets and they are no longer certified so why have the stupid hecc and csa stickers on anyways. My supervisor also told me a couple of weeks ago that there going to start checking for this type of thing here and there and if teams have team stickers on there helmets they really dont give a damn up north anyways if you have the CSA or HECC sticker because quite frankly its no longer valid so whats the point.

Actually there are some stickers that do not void the certification. I got an affidavit from one company when we stocked their stickers.

Thats the first time I have heard of that. I will ask him about it but I think any alterations whatsoever to the Helmet that are not approved by NBH, Cascade, TH Company, etc void most Certifications. however, i do remember him saying that a certain type of adhesive or something along those lines is acceptable.

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I get my helmet numbers from protuffdecals.com They are very good, thick, and most importantly, reusable. I don't know about their Decertification attributes, but they were good enough for CCHA/NCAA.

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was wondering... how can stickers or anything destroy helmets...

in the sense that they void the certification bcoz of it...

this sounds weird

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