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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finish the Fight

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Wow, i cant believe what you just wrote Mack. That sucks big time. Microsoft are great at screwing things up, im still waiting on my repaired 360... what a joke!

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I was skeptical about it and couldn't believe a whole version of a game was screwed up but it's happened all over the place. MS is just horrible, I'm about to donate my 360 to my mother's work.

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Got it Tuesday morning and have been playing it off and on, both campaign and online. I like it. I'm not huge on the Halo saga, but it's easily the most in-depth multiplayer game (console at least) yet.

I'm soooo looking forward to COD4.

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Beat the game. Last mission is great. The ending had holes in it though. If you have seen the ending, you may know what I'm talking about but i dont want to ruin it for the rest on board here

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I packed in a solid 6 hours of multi today. If you want to have a good time call over a gaming buddy and play split screen while hammering back some beers. We maybe lost 3-4 out of 25 games we played with our extensive FPS history, it's a great way to pass some time.

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We dumped about 10 hours between 4 of us last night and polished off a good 50+ beers. Our play got pretty sloppy by the end though

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Wow. I got my copy yesterday and I'm very impressed with the total package. Multiplayer has also vastly improved (though the SMG is now obsolete because of the spiker), as far as balance goes. Maps are very fun as well...

Third mission through on the campaign.

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Anyone else having a rough time trying to get into matchmaking. I haven't even gotten to play a game yet, and I've been getting a "Data could not be retrieved from the Halo 3 server" message, so it won't let me play.

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Anyone else having a rough time trying to get into matchmaking. I haven't even gotten to play a game yet, and I've been getting a "Data could not be retrieved from the Halo 3 server" message, so it won't let me play.

I've read that they are doing a bunch of custodial work with matchmaking and what not, to help it run smoother and faster. Should be running well soon.

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Love the game, finshed the second to last level and my 360 breaks. Just got of the phone with microsoft, they are sending a box for me to send it to them. Does anyone have any idea of how long it takes for them to repair it?

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Anyone else having a rough time trying to get into matchmaking. I haven't even gotten to play a game yet, and I've been getting a "Data could not be retrieved from the Halo 3 server" message, so it won't let me play.

I've read that they are doing a bunch of custodial work with matchmaking and what not, to help it run smoother and faster. Should be running well soon.

Any later than 7pm and there are too many people on, so I can't play, but in the morning and early afternoon (when I'm not around) it's fine.

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Mehhh gimme the original Halo over these hyped up sequals anyday...

It actually is pretty fun... If you've got Xbox live. The online functionality of this iteration surpasses every other console game.

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Mehhh gimme the original Halo over these hyped up sequals anyday...

It actually is pretty fun... If you've got Xbox live. The online functionality of this iteration surpasses every other console game.

I'll agree with that, this game is slightly comparable to Halflife where as nobody really bought it for the offline play. I think I'm biased though as the endless hours of fun I had with mates playing multi-player campaign on legendary using the patented "1 player hide while the other attempts to empty as many clips as possible before they die" strategy, and split screen mode where everyone ends up picking on 1 player then tensions fray and it's all settled over a couple cans of special brew rank highly in my top 100 ways of how to waste a weekend. :lol:

I think I'd enjoy online play alot more if there wern't so many nerds on it though...

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Mehhh gimme the original Halo over these hyped up sequals anyday...

It actually is pretty fun... If you've got Xbox live. The online functionality of this iteration surpasses every other console game.

I'll agree with that, this game is slightly comparable to Halflife...

Um. Halflife? Call me strange but I've enjoyed Half Lifes 1 and 2 more than I've enjoyed Counterstrike. Also, CS has more variability due to the nature of the platform (PC vs. Console, so it wins on that aspect.

Overall, though, I enjoyed Halo 1's single player more than either of its sequels, so I agree with you there.

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i don't even play campaign, the only reason i have 360 is live... my gamertag is Pat197 if anyone wants to add me and play.

halo 3 is pretty fun, i'm liking it more now. when call of duty 4 comes out it's gonna be dirty though, that's all i'll be playing.

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Well you may be in luck I just got my 360 back in a surprising 2 weeks, and they said 6-8.

Sent it out today, sounds like something i can falsely hope for. Did you get the red ring of death also?

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