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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats wrong with CCM protection?

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I'm new to hockey and just wondered why i've seen a few posts knocking CCM's protection gear, it certainly doesn't seem to be recommended anywhere on this board. Would love to hear peoples comments and suggestions on what to look for as this would be my first set of hockey gear. I had been thinking of getting a package deal on CCM 862 THG at $158 but after reading a few posts i'm not so sure. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have the 652 shoulder pads....they are HUGEEEEEE and bulky. I LOVE EM. The only problem is the bicep pads arent flexible so I need help putting my jersey on over the pads. Other than that, I have no complaints about them.The bulkiness fits my style of play as a "power" forward, since I love to throw huge hits and these pads are built for you to get hit by a mack truck. The 852s are even better than that.

I personally am not a fan of Jofa equiptment, I know it gets rave reviews from everyone, but I have a pair of 9500 shoulder and they just feel flimsy to me. Maybe as a small player, I feel I need big protection, I just dont like the thinness of Jofa pads.

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Bulky, clunky, heavy, overpriced for what you get, crappy ventilation in general. You can get a superior pad in every dept from other manufacturers and pay no more or equal to what the ccm pad is so why get the ccm?

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I have had CM 852 shin pads and 862 pants. I'm still using the shins but they are completely falling apart, that started after 9 months of playing a couple of times a week. They're light, not too bulky and a half decent pad but the durability just isn't there.

The 862 pants really disappointed me. I LOVED my old CCM520 pants but the 862s are bulky and feel cheap. They have one belt and no lacing on the front, so you have to use suspenders or they won't stay up. Unless of course you like them to be tight.

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Bulky, clunky, heavy, overpriced for what you get, crappy ventilation in general. You can get a superior pad in every dept from other manufacturers and pay no more or equal to what the ccm pad is so why get the ccm?

Bulky? Yes. Clunky? No. Heavy? Perhaps I'm just strong, but the 652s are pretty-light-if-not-the-same-weight-as-Mission M-1 - shoulders. Overpriced? I dont think so, I got my 652s for $50. For $50, I know I got my moneys worth protection wise. I paid $70 for my M-1 shoulders and took some nice stingers to my rib area because the protection was so flimsy. Paid $90 for my Jofa 9500s and I havent taken a shot to the chest yet, I have a funny feeling it's gonna hurt alot more than the 652s(someone's gonna throw some babble about specs at me and probly prove me wrong, but oh well.). As long as your a strong player and like to throw your weight around, these pads do their job.

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I am referring to their top end stuff which in my opinion has sucked for years now. Their last great protective was the red and green stuff from the 90s.

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I am referring to their top end stuff which in my opinion has sucked for years now. Their last great protective was the red and green stuff from the 90s.

Since they changed to the same numbering system as the skates, the protective has slipped in quality. The old 620, 520, etc stuff was better.

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you can get less expensive, better stuff from every company. For example, why buy 652 shoulders for 50 bucks when the bauer 6000/jofa closeout is around the same price and 10x better.

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I had the CCM 462 pants and they were crap. They have like no protection at all on the inside part of the pants. Other than the fact that they offered very little protection at all, they were great pants, yes.

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I've got the 852 pants. They are decent, I wish I had gone with the m-1's . The protection is fine, but the manuverability seems to be lacking, and like chadd said, they only have one belt, and even with suspenders, are a bit difficult to keep from falling down. Overall, I would say they are average, but there are better pants for the dollar out there.

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Thanks for everyone's comments, you've been a big help. I'm in the UK and the shops over here generally give you the choice of 1, so I'm looking to get some when I come over the pond in Jan and save me some mula on UK prices. :D

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Thanks for everyone's comments, you've been a big help. I'm in the UK and the shops over here generally give you the choice of 1, so I'm looking to get some when I come over the pond in Jan and save me some mula on UK prices. :D

Coming to Orlando?

May I recommend an excellent shop...

But then again I might not be there in Jan...

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