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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've decided I'm going as 'Dick in the Box' guy A (not Justin) for Halloween.

I know, that's not very original. It should create some interesting conversation though.

For those of you not familiar:


Do you guys actually put something on for Halloween?

I have a buddy that put on his hockey gear last year as a last minute costume.

... his disgusting, smelly, gear. Haha.

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I might go dressed-up as one of our resident retards here on MSH. I figure a hockey helmet, a lot of drool and a little flannel oughta nail it pretty well.

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i wanna go as some random object im thinking of a ping pong padle and get someone to be the ball lol.

last year some kid came to my door as a rubics cube.

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I constructed a fantastic Shredder costume from TMNT, the Old 88 cartoon not the shit new one. I'll get some pictures up later, its almost complete.

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wow, that looks incredibly uncomfortable. speaking of which, my costume last year was a "paintball player". I took a plain white T, put it on the fence outside, and unloaded 2 hoppers of paintballs onto it. then I put it on, and some camo pants and the face mask and went out. after about 5 minutes, i realized that was a bad idea. wet paint on shirt is very uncomfortable. i did get a few compliments tho...

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precursor, that looks fucking scary. no joke.

anyways, i was thinking of going as


but my g/f came up with a doozy with:


so i might have to out-do that somehow....how's this?


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Im being charlie brown. shaving my beard, bic'ing my head except a chunk of longer hairs on the front, gelling them together and curling them. i know where the shirts can be found.

if the hair looks bad curled, i'll just shave it off and draw a swirl.

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myself and 2 other friends are going as "paintballs" we havent decided exactly whats going on that night though, so depending on where we go, we might have paint on us and run into people....

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I'm hoping to go as an old school Mortal Kombat character, but I dunno if I can find good enough materials to go as Scorpion or Sub Zero. I'm not asian so I can't go as Raiden.

If that doesn't come together I'm gonna try to make a Bender costume and go as Bender from Futurama.

Third thought is to make a really sweet LEGO costume, but thats probably too much work.

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I went as Bill Buckner a few years back to a friend's party (he's a huge sox fan). Still haven't repaired the webbing I took out of my baseball glove.

Not sure what I'm throwing together this year though.

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Last year I wnet as Pedro form Napoleon Dynamite. Walked into a party, and 2 minutes later, Napoleon and Deb walked in. I didn't know these people.


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How about senator Larry Craig. You go as Larry, and get a buddy to go as a bathroom stall. Attach a couple condoms to the bathroom door, along with coloring Larrys fingers brown and your set.

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