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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guys, please use the "chat" link at the top of the page. It's a great place to discuss games while they're being played.

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Since no one was in there, Perry needs to get some balls and drop the lid if he's going to fight instead of looking like half-a-fag.

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still not working for me... STILL connecting. :(

Not sure why but it's never worked for me.

me neither....I've been able to get into chat once. It locks up my computer browser everytime I try it.

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Everyone having problems has the newest version of the Java virtual machine and or Java runtime environment, yeah?

Yeah...in both browsers (FF & MSIE)

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Everyone having problems has the newest version of the Java virtual machine and or Java runtime environment, yeah?

oh, but of course! ;)

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Again, even tho the MSH applet is well done and works fine, i highly suggest using an IRC client. My favorite is mIRC: www.mirc.com

Are there any good free clients? For as much as I'll use it I don't want to pay $20

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No you're not...

You need the password.


Hmmm..thanks. I'm definitely SOMEWHWERE in cyberspace. Jsut not where I wanted to be *L*

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