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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stajan's stick

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good catch, the graphics are all off... did he flip the shaft?

there are still graphics on his stick, they are all blue, look near the top of the shaft and towards the blade

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on tsn they showed him on the bench and it looks very close to the dolomite but has different graphics so im quite sure its not just a dolo unless they changed it.

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good catch, the graphics are all off... did he flip the shaft?

there are still graphics on his stick, they are all blue, look near the top of the shaft and towards the blade

"off" as in out of place, incorrect. as compared to a dolomite 2.

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Looks like a nipple grip dolomite to me...

I'm always completely stunned at the number of people in rink-side seats that don't pay attention to the game at all.

Fat lady's looking at air in the distance, while a guy is text messaging in his own world! Why are these people attending a NHL game at all???

Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

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He's only got 8 rivets in each skate instead of 14. Weird. Does he change the holders so often that the equip guy is too lazy to put them all in?

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That is the Graf RMS system, for mounting blades on boots, they only use 8 per skate.

I didn't even realize what holders he had on.

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Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

I'm a Devils fan who lives in San Diego. I went to a Kings/Devils game in 2003 and had Premier seats (lower bowl, 2nd level up with waitresses and stuff). Had this couple show up with 5 minutes left in the second period, dressed like they should be clubbing. Horn blows for the second intermission and the guy asks me "Is the game over?" I really really really really wanted to say yes.

But there are good Kings fans. I don't think yuppies who care more about saying they had good seats rather than caring about the game is something that's limited to LA per se.

[/completely off topic musings]

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Looks like a nipple grip dolomite to me...

I'm always completely stunned at the number of people in rink-side seats that don't pay attention to the game at all.

Fat lady's looking at air in the distance, while a guy is text messaging in his own world! Why are these people attending a NHL game at all???

Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

I think that guy is taking a picture with his phone

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Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

I'm a Devils fan who lives in San Diego. I went to a Kings/Devils game in 2003 and had Premier seats (lower bowl, 2nd level up with waitresses and stuff). Had this couple show up with 5 minutes left in the second period, dressed like they should be clubbing. Horn blows for the second intermission and the guy asks me "Is the game over?" I really really really really wanted to say yes.

But there are good Kings fans. I don't think yuppies who care more about saying they had good seats rather than caring about the game is something that's limited to LA per se.

[/completely off topic musings]

all the real kings fans are in the nosebleeds. the rest are just the rich hollywood folks ;P

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Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

I'm a Devils fan who lives in San Diego. I went to a Kings/Devils game in 2003 and had Premier seats (lower bowl, 2nd level up with waitresses and stuff). Had this couple show up with 5 minutes left in the second period, dressed like they should be clubbing. Horn blows for the second intermission and the guy asks me "Is the game over?" I really really really really wanted to say yes.

But there are good Kings fans. I don't think yuppies who care more about saying they had good seats rather than caring about the game is something that's limited to LA per se.

[/completely off topic musings]

all the real kings fans are in the nosebleeds. the rest are just the rich hollywood folks ;P

damn straight. I went to a game last week and was in the last possible row and there were fights breaking out. Kinda funny getting all mad over a preseason loss

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Worst pics are always from Kings home games, it's like half the crowd in the front row seats that don't give a shit about the game they are (supposed to be) watching.

I'm a Devils fan who lives in San Diego. I went to a Kings/Devils game in 2003 and had Premier seats (lower bowl, 2nd level up with waitresses and stuff). Had this couple show up with 5 minutes left in the second period, dressed like they should be clubbing. Horn blows for the second intermission and the guy asks me "Is the game over?" I really really really really wanted to say yes.

But there are good Kings fans. I don't think yuppies who care more about saying they had good seats rather than caring about the game is something that's limited to LA per se.

[/completely off topic musings]

all the real kings fans are in the nosebleeds. the rest are just the rich hollywood folks ;P

I think that's the case with many teams. Most of the die hard Leaf fans are in the nose bleeds. The platnium seats are mostly held by corporations for schmoozing clients in my opinion.

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Updated Dolo graphics?

Okay, finally managed to get a hold of the Stajan new Warrior stick.

Took a look at the back side of the blade and no spyne technology. Oh well.




i think those are his old sticks he was using last year, the new ones have different graphics. did you see any ops for 50 bucks while you were there?

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Updated Dolo graphics?

Okay, finally managed to get a hold of the Stajan new Warrior stick.

Took a look at the back side of the blade and no spyne technology. Oh well.

i think those are his old sticks he was using last year, the new ones have different graphics. did you see any ops for 50 bucks while you were there?

nope, nothing in that range. everything is $100 and up. Sports memoribilia purposes.

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