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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS curves, .

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I've looked up the blade database at the TPS curves but I do not see one curve that stands out to me completely...

I found a TPS R6 Armor shaft on totalhockey.net and I am most likely going to purchase that and an R4 blade from them.

I currently am using a forsberg and a sakic curve, and after looking at the pattern database, I am torn between the frolov and the nash. I don't see the frolov in the database, but it says it has a 5 lie, very open moderate mid curve on another site...which of these two would be the better choice for a Sakic/Forsberg user?

Also...does anybody here have any experience shopping from totalhockey.net? I have not ever heard of them so I am a little hesistant to order.

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I have not used TotalHockey.net

However.... unless the pattern has changed (which is possible):

Closest to Forsberg (old Modano) is Tkachuk (at least, it used to be). Possibly Morrow?

Closest to Sakic is hands-down the Nash (IMMO).

Check out the TPS catalog which has pix of the curves on the Louisville website:http://www.tpshockey.com/

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i've shopped there many times. reliable and my stuff got here quick. although most of the people answering the phone do not know anything

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I've ordered through them before and have nothing but good things to say. The shipping was very quick to boot...although it helps that they are in Missouri and not Cali.

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thanks for the replies.

can anyone who owns an R6 shaft comment on what the best blade to pair with it is? How would the balance with an R4 be? i've read that TPS shafts will only fit TPS blades because it has a unique shape.

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Mission blades seemed to fit alright. RBK blades were a tad small, needed several strips of tape to hold it in. Older synthesis blade was small also. These were tried on an R8 shaft. If you can find a curve you like I would tell you to use a TPS blade.

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Nash next to Sakic. Little more open, little less hook at the toe (when comparing these two anyway).

Is Frolov the rename for the Messier? I don't know if it went dodo or got renamed.


That's the older Messier. Bit more of an Iginla with some open to it. Might be a bit more deep, ~6 lie. Short blade like the Iginla, but it's hard to judge how similar curves are without them next to each other.

Tonight I can take pics - I have a Forsberg clone from Montreal, Sakic, Nash, Iginla, and Messier.

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I believe the Afinogenov is 11"....not sure of the length of the Coffey.

I agree with Ogie about the Nash, I too am pretty sure that it's the closest to the Sakic.

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Looked at a Frolov R8 blade yesterday, it's a DEAD ON Drury replica. Same length, lie, rocker, toe, profile, curve, loft, everything.

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Totalhockey.net is one of the first places I look for gear. I found their prices decent and shipping was usually free if u spent $100...

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Sorry I phrased my question wrong, I implied that I thought the Afinogenov was a sakic clone, I know Nash is the closest thing to a sakic clone from TPS.

My question was based on me not knowing what the lenght of the various retail patterns usually is.

So when I hear the afinogenov is 11' long it makes me wonder how long a sakic clone or some other retail pattern is. (for comparison)

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frolov/perry = drury (almost the same curve)

different lie, deeper curve on the Perry.

so is yp (frolov as well)really the same as the drury, or less open?

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Sorry to hit an old thread but does anyone have a picture of a LH Frolov? From what I've seen, it appears less open than a Drury but that was just through pics on the web.

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