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Kopitar SO goal

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Since I assume most of you were snug in your beds when this happened, check out Kopitar's game-winning SO goal against the Wild last night. I've seen NHL players pull this move off before, but it is damn rare.

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it's not like jussi jokinen did it 8 times in a row two years ago or anything.

jokinen's were much smoother and quicker, too.

yeah Zeterberg does it pretty nice too

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It might not have been the prettiest rendition ever, but it's still not an easy move to pull. I've thrown it in practices and stuff, but don't think I'd ever have the stones to try it in a game - breakaway, penalty shot or shootout. Anze put it down and the puck went in. Props.

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Zetterberg hasn't connected with it more than 2 or 3 times, but tries it regardless.

Forsberg and other Swedes have also used it as their go-to SO move.

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I wouldn't call it forsberg's go to move. He did it at the olympics once. He's done it in the NHL once and he hit the post. He usually does that fivehole move ryan smyth did against kipper.

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Sorry, don't see many games of Forsberg, was going off what Mickey was saying when the Wings had one of their first shootouts last year.

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You are all close, but wrong.

Lemieux did it in the '90 All-Star skills in Pittsburgh. I remember watching it as a 10 yr old and stumbled upon it last week on youtube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcloVGwI80Q Just after the 3 minute mark.

On a side note the events sure have skewed from the originals. What the hell was with the Hardest shot having the nets 20 feet off the boards??

edit: Gartner had the best soup strainer after Goulet's. Mighty fine stache right there.

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Wow, sweet find...I had never seen that footage before, kinda weird to see a RH player doing it.

I still think it's the 'Forsberg' just because he did it in the freakin Olympics with the gold medal on the line. Sometimes it can be kind of a natural motion so I'm sure it has happened many times prior to Mario putting it down in 1990.

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What makes Forsberg's rendition stand out is how freaking fast he skates in. Kopitar is barely moving compared to Forsberg. Takes a bunch more skill to pull off that move at speed.

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