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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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bad view of some new RBKs


crosby's new stick that was in another thread.. new sickick?

In the 1 st pic we can see the logo of rbk on his skate (cpt obvious) i can t wait to see a side pic of his skate.

Has far as the new Vector..... its like a xxxx.If the ccm holder where not on them we could think its a new color for the xxxx.

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some all black stick Cole is using... no clue what it is, other than he has used NBH and been a tester of sorts for new sticks (first painted vapXXXX, one of first with one90s and one95s)

who knows whats up with it

thanks to vandy cane at lgc.com


oh, and what friggen direction are those socks supposed to go? canes and philly wearing that direction, LA wearing it the other.

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bad view of some new RBKs


crosby's new stick that was in another thread.. new sickick?

Crosby's gloves say "PENGUINS". When did he get rid of "DARRYL87"?

Last year i believe, i think it was when he got the new 9k gloves possibly.

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Quick question...is the vertical white stripe on socks supposed to be on the front or back?

I have seen players wearing them both ways...everyone on the Jackets except for Peca had the white stripe on the front of the socks...I have seen other pictures with the white stripe on the back like this:


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It's supposed to go on the back...it is ventilation. My guess is that guys don't like the slick surface on the knees and are flipping them around.

Remember when I had the Swift socks and put them on the wrong side? Same concept applies.

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