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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've heard speculation that hinges on:

a wife

a limo

and multiple marital indescretions.

I don't know the truth to it but....

no owner or coach wants bad publicity.

Sad really, I like McCarty

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Well, at least we've established that he was still alive as of a week ago. Zero points in 32 games last year would indicate to me that his skills are in decline and/or his game didn't translate well in the "new" NHL.

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Don't tell me -you let your soul patch run wild, lost 5 too many teeth and have a mug like a dog. Right?

Loved him on the Wings, lost track of him when he left.

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Well, at least we've established that he was still alive as of a week ago. Zero points in 32 games last year would indicate to me that his skills are in decline and/or his game didn't translate well in the "new" NHL.

Just send him to Dallas. They don't want offense, just "character" players.

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Agreed. Especially when Modano's centering them. It's a gift to the other team. :P

Well now that Winchester is out with an injury they'll need someone to fill that void. Better see if McCarty is still available

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saw mccarty today at the troy sportscenter working out wearing redwings warm up gear, don't really know if it means anything or not but I would love to see him back in detroit

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saw mccarty today at the troy sportscenter working out wearing redwings warm up gear, don't really know if it means anything or not but I would love to see him back in detroit

They have been looking for some goons... We all know Drake is pretty much a glass man at this point, he hasn't been doing jack since he showed up.

Downey is still a 2-way and can't find a line spot.

McCarty would walk in, say hi to Draper and Maltby, then the 3 of them would kick some ass all game long.

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For you McCarty freaks


McCarty, who spent 11 seasons in Detroit, has agreed to sign with the Flint Generals of the International Hockey League in an attempt to revive his career and get back to the NHL.
The plan is to spend between two and four weeks with the Generals to get back into game shape. Then, he hopes to land a job with an NHL club.

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he wont be making any money in the IHL, thats for sure. plus its the last place that will get in into game shape for the nhl.

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he wont be making any money in the IHL, thats for sure. plus its the last place that will get in into game shape for the nhl.

He's going to use it as ice time is all, most likely. Not much you can do to get in game shape by doing dryland and renting sheets of ice, you need people to hit. If he's motivated enough to get going and get his career back, good for him. Chelios can do it, and many of his linemates are still kicking, why not him?

If any NHL teams take a look at him I hope to god they won't sign without a "no-goatee" clause.

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He wasn't really contributing much by the time he went to Calgary anyway. I always liked McCarty but I don't think Detroit needs him. At all. His time in the NHL is over, I doubt you'll ever see him back in a pro game.

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