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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All the Mods

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When I joined ModSquad...i thought it was just a bunch of average-joes looking for gear...then i found out that the mods (JR, Mack, etc) have "ins" with the companies, they get the catalogs, demo sticks, etc.

Just wondering, what do you guys do for a living, like how do you get sticks and talk to the companies...I'm assuming you guys own a pro shop or something like that? any info would be great..

thanks guys. (sorry for the random post)

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JR is a soul man

Mack is a carpenter by day, a superhero by night, captain alaska, he saves salmon from evil bears

Chadd is an amish minister

But their powers combined, they have all sorts of ins

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Ok in all seriousness.

Yes some of the mods(actually only JR but he's so good i'll count as 2 people) work in proshops like many members as well. When you work in a business long enough you start to get to know people and they then become friends and that is their "insider info"

Like with any other job if your their long enough you start to get to be very familiar with things.

Also lots of members are just gear whores so they take a keen interest in the equipment world. Like a hobby they like to learn more and share info on products etc.. Stay here long enough my friend and you too will learn about new products and then spend all your money on new shit. And thats when you too can be a....gear whore.

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Correct. My partner in the shop hosed me so I started doing something else with the ultimate goal of opening my own shop a few years down the line. Too many shop owners are in the business for the wrong reasons. You have to have a love for the sport above all else. It's about creating relationships and not wringing every last cent out of your customers at the local level.

I'm currently working for a division of US Airways and taking flying lessons so I can get a commercial pilots license. With any luck, I'll be up front driving for a regional airline in the not too distant future.

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Or LegoDoom or ponty or DAVE.

Don't forget Theo and Kosy - they're both students (I THINK Theo is still in school, though he may have graduated).

Kosy's a mini-Mod. He don't count :P

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Yeah I thought he had like a thousand posts cause he used to post about the Rags all the time then last time I saw him post his post count was minuscule.

He deleted them all

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doing a project, just wondering if anyone knows the link to the other topic about how msh started, i know it was orginally corebeam and all the mods left but i need to get some more info

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Dave is married, has a kid and is a judge in Germany. He stopped playing hockey. But he was the one who had experience setting up message board software, that is why him and Jay (who did all of the skins) and LegoDoom (who does programming )are 1, 2, and 3. Once they got it off the ground they let the rest of the Mods register.

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