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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tampa Bay Rays

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Baseball confuses me with moves like this.

the Angels became the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

the Tampa Bay Devil Ray is now the Tampon Ray?

Maybe it's just Kalifornia

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Nice, clean uni design, even if it it a knock off of the Pads' jerseys before they went with that "sand" color that to me just looks dirty :P

Now if they would be so kind as to return Scott Kazmir to my Mets, then I'd be happy.

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I can never keep Cali and Florida cities straight. SoCal and FLorida are close enough, bunch of crazy warm people jazzing with team names, like that will bring more fans or something.

What's the point of name changes like that? I know the Ducks dropped "Mighty" after Disney pulled out to try and no longer identify themselves as Team Disney... and the change (and solely the name change) got them the cup, so it worked I guess :P.

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Okay, Billy Ray gets a pass, too.

There's an IT guy at work whose name is Earl Ray. First+middle. I feel like his house should be searched just on that alone.

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Other than that exception, Ray is a first-or-middle name for pederasts and serial killers.

"I'm looking for Ray Finkle...

...and a clean pair of shorts."

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thank god. There's no such thing as a devil ray anyway.

Sure there is...am I missing a clever joke again?

No... A devil ray is an uncommon nickname for a manta ray.

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Pathetic. The logo looks like it's for some sort of charity that donates pencils to schools in the ghetto or something with that big retarded sunshine on it. The hats look like they were a stock design from a kiosk at the mall that will print your initials on whatever you want. The worst thing about this is that their old uniforms were kind of okay. This is still better than that purple/rainbow shit that they started with, but not by a lot. The dark green that they had before was a smart uniform decision - the one thing a baseball team can do to distinguish itself is to not have blue, and/or red uniforms, and now there's one fewer such team. Navy blue - what a bold statement.

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What's the point of name changes like that?

From articles I've read in the past, they were receiving protests from religious groups aghast at the word "Devil" in their name.

As if Lucifer could take time off from torturing souls to follow the travails of Lou Piniella....

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What's the point of name changes like that?

From articles I've read in the past, they were receiving protests from religious groups aghast at the word "Devil" in their name.

As if Lucifer could take time off from torturing souls to follow the travails of Lou Piniella....

Or as I would say "Fundies!!!!!!!!!"

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