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Pro helmet question

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I think there was a topic about this awhile ago, but I searched for 20 mins. and couldn't find anything. My question is why do the pros still use the "old" type of helmets even after all these special extra protective helmets have come out?

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Sometimes you can't teach old dogs new tricks. They just like the stuff they have so they don't think it has to be changed.

Having said that, I believe the NHL makes players replace helmets every year now as part as their attempt to reduce concussions.

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Most of the guys getting major concussions have been wearing the newer helmets, not the old ones. Seriously, when was the last time a guy like Mess, Yzerman, Shanny, etc had a concussion? Stevens is the only one I can think of. Obviously they're stars and won't take as many hits but I'd be willing to bet, that the older style helmets weren't responsible for most of the concussions. A lot of them were shots to the jaw.

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Stevens uses a 5000.

I was at that game actually.

The foam helmets are softer and plus, you can carve out extra padding...

Despite the fact that helps me, I doubt the type of helmet made any difference in that case. I would like to know if anyone did a major study and can conclusively prove that the hard foam is better or worse than the softer foam.

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I might be wrong, but I believe that there is a rule that states that the players have to use a new helmet every 2 seasons or something like that due to the the foam in the older helmets drying up. They can still use whatever model they want as long as the lining is failry new.

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Yeah, I see what you're saying. I was just thinking that these NHL players have top of the line everything else, but usually not helmets.

Have you seen Shanny or McCarty's shoulder pads? :ph34r:

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oh well, whatever works works, right? just goes to show ya the shape these guys are in, and how strong some of em are to be able to wear next to no shoulder pads lol

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I can see why the players do not wear the newer style helmets. I have a new Jofa 690 and it is really light but I have had my problems with the new style padding in it. My two biggest complaints are that new style padding on the inside lets the helmet move way too much and it also allows too much sweat to run over my face. I have resized the helmet about a dozen times and the movement doesn't change no matter how loose or tight I make it. Both problems are probably b/c the new padding doesn't really form to your head as much as the old padding used to. Without the padding formed properly to the head the helmet is not prevented from shifting and sweat has more room to run downwards. There's nothing worse than skating with the puck only to have yourself blinded by your own perspiration. I have definitely been looking at going back to a Bauer 4000 or CCM 652 like I should have bought in the first place. I bought in to the hype and now I am paying for it.

I don't think this is a problem just localized to the Jofa helmet, but more of a problem with the new padding system that all of the manufacturers are using these days. The helmets may be lighter but they really aren't any better.

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