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Taping the blade - change depending on curve?

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I did a search for "+tape +spin +curve" FYI.

Yesterday I was shooting at the range and noticed something interesting. Normally I tape from heel to over the toe. When the tape wore through, I tried just taping from mid-toe to the toe. I ended up getting a noticeable amount more spin and speed on my wrist shots after that. Same stick, same curve, same shooting session.

My only explanation would be that somehow the puck was "catching" on the tape in the full heel job, somehow causing it to jump off the blade slightly, whereas it was sliding down the blade when taped just at the toe and got the extra spin right when I snapped my wrists.

Has anyone else noticed this or am I going nuts?

My other thought was with the curve. I'm using a Mission Hull (mid/mid-toe). If I were to use a Forsberg-type mid-heel curve, and the above phenomenon is real, would I want to tape closer to the mid-heel? Do you adjust where you tape the stick based off the curve?

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i do. i use a forsberg, and i used to tape heel to over the toe.

lately, i've just been taping from the mid-heel to the mid-toe (5 wraps of tape) and i've also noticed much better results.

i believe it does make a difference, and i can feel a change in stickhandling too, it seems i can move my hands quicker this way...

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I tape toe to heel, then come back a couple of inches from hell with a second wrap. Friction on ice, cloth for roller.

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I only play inline now and for the past 12 months have changed from a full heel-toe tape job, to 2 x horizontal strips from heel-mid (about 2/3's of the blade) and full wrap on the mid-toe.

I have noticed a quicker release, probably due to the drag on the floor. But by keeping the toe full taped, still get the spin to keep it accurate.

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That reminds me, I saw P.M. Bouchard taping his blade like this:


He had the strip of black tape running horizontal from mid to heel, and did the "regular" tape job from mid over the toe. Is that just to prevent snow build up and/or stickhandling by reducing friction on the bottom of the blade?

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That reminds me, I saw P.M. Bouchard taping his blade like this:


He had the strip of black tape running horizontal from mid to heel, and did the "regular" tape job from mid over the toe. Is that just to prevent snow build up and/or stickhandling by reducing friction on the bottom of the blade?

That's the way I tape my stick when I'm playing D.

Not too sure why. My boyfriend taped my stick like that for me my first game of D and I haven't changed.

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i tape my stick same way as Ovechkin, Madden, etc, mid of the blade to the end of the toe, and i just think it looks good :P ...seems less blade heavy, but thats just me....i never noticed anything performance wise

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i didnt retape before last game and left the heel of my stick au natural. my shots were going all over the place and i had to switch sticks in the middle of the game (i usually tape the whole stick). then again mine is pretty chewed up in the kickpoint already so i'll give the partial tape job another go. i've been weary so not taping the whole blade due to durability concerns.

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okay children, this isn't a "how do you tape your stick" thread.

its asking if you change tape jobs depending on the curve location.

haha...ohh...no i don't i always tape like Madden, Ovechkin, etc (Pic in the Show It Off thread) even when i use a drury curve and the slap shots come off the heel...for me, i've used a stick with no tape b4, and i really don't notice a differnce, so that's just my 2 cents

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Quick question related to this topic. I was considering taping over the toe, I use a Drury clone.

My question is how do you do it? I know it sounds dumb, but I can never get it even or flat, so i figured there must be a trick...Any suggestions?

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Quick question related to this topic. I was considering taping over the toe, I use a Drury clone.

My question is how do you do it? I know it sounds dumb, but I can never get it even or flat, so i figured there must be a trick...Any suggestions?

I know some people that cut it w/scissors and then pinch it closed and use some wax.

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Quick question related to this topic. I was considering taping over the toe, I use a Drury clone.

My question is how do you do it? I know it sounds dumb, but I can never get it even or flat, so i figured there must be a trick...Any suggestions?

I keep taping over just like if the blade kept going, then press the ends together and cut with scissors.

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Quick question related to this topic. I was considering taping over the toe, I use a Drury clone.

My question is how do you do it? I know it sounds dumb, but I can never get it even or flat, so i figured there must be a trick...Any suggestions?

i've heard of a way to do it w/o scissors, but that way is MUCH easier, uses less tape and looks better.

Everyone basically said it already...keep taping, and when you're done just use scissors

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Quick question related to this topic. I was considering taping over the toe, I use a Drury clone.

My question is how do you do it? I know it sounds dumb, but I can never get it even or flat, so i figured there must be a trick...Any suggestions?

I know some people that cut it w/scissors and then pinch it closed and use some wax.

I put 1 stip of tape over the back toe and wrap it around and then cut it off with scissors and then the same thing for the front, and then I tape the rest of the stick.

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One strip of tape around the toe, I cut slits in it so that it sits flat along the blade. Then I keep taping like the blade is another 2" longer. I then trim it with scissors. If I'm using wax on the blade I wax it really good, if not I rub it with a puck until it's nice and smooth.

Here's some pics of the finished job:



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Going back to the P.M. Bouchard tape job with just basically taping from the middle part of the blade to fully taping the toe.

Are the strips going horizontal used to still keep "feel" and "cushion" on the heel or for added spin as well coming from the heel to when it hits the toe?

I just don't understand why he would do that besides those 2 reasons.

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Going back to the P.M. Bouchard tape job with just basically taping from the middle part of the blade to fully taping the toe.

Are the strips going horizontal used to still keep "feel" and "cushion" on the heel or for added spin as well coming from the heel to when it hits the toe?

I just don't understand why he would do that besides those 2 reasons.

I tried it this morning, Forsberg type mid-heel blade, taped mid to toe, 1" strip of tape near the bottom on the front and back from heel to mid.

It definitely lets you grab the puck more, haven't tried receiving passes, can't imagine a single strip of tape does much to cushion passes.

I'm trying another thing for next ice time where I put a strip of 1" tape near the bottom, 1.5" over that for cushion, and taping the last 2" of the blade near the toe normal.

I have a feeling I'm going to go back to normal otherwise drive myself crazy thinking about tape.

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