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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Let's Play Hockey 2008

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Gouche said he was told the Big Boys have pulled out. Anyone else hear that?

It would be disappointing if this was the case, but they aren't the reason I go to the show. I like seeing all the smaller companies products that I wouldn't see or hear about otherwise. I also like having an excuse to go out to Vegas every January.

On the topic of Vegas, anyone check the weather for the next couple days? WTF, high of 50 degrees. Better pack warm if you are going to walk the strip at nght.

It's still better than the 30-35 degrees here. I may just have to come home via Cabo to warm up.

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I saw that NBH wasn't going to be there, but the others have booth space reserved

They were never going to be.

Easton will have a scaled-down booth. RBK/CCM will be there.

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Have fun guys, the rink i work at will be there doing a few presentations for AAU. Took everyone but me =(

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Just got home a couple hours ago and there will be a lot of updates and if a couple things pan out over the next week or two, some very interesting things may happen.

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Lucked out and got a whole row to myself on the flight home. I think that I ended up with my feet hanging in the aisle snoring. Got home at 3:30am this morning and dragging a bit.

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Lucked out and got a whole row to myself on the flight home. I think that I ended up with my feet hanging in the aisle snoring. Got home at 3:30am this morning and dragging a bit.

are you ready to come play with us in Coral Springs FL? March 28-30th. We'll have a good team this time!

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We've already talked about most of the product, between the catalogs and the Detroit show topic. Not much in terms of huge innovations, with the exception of the Blackstone spinner system. Couple little notes to tide you over until I can do a full review:

Eagle PPF gloves are very nice, I need a pair of them

New Rebellion gloves are very nice and at pretty good price points. I'm a very big fan of the 6550 series.

Love the skate mate laces with the metal tips

Production version of the Kor Shift2 is a very different fit from the shift 1

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Sat in first class on the way back and I had a woman sit next to me staring at me while I was sleeping asking me to help her. The flight attendants pulled out of the seat and then took her into the galley and questioned her. She wasn't drunk, but she had a fear of flying and her husband essentially threw her onto the plane.

Took her to the back where they sat her down in one of the jumpseats and was babysat for the rest of the flight.

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Not going to lie here, my ears perked up when I read "Eagle PPF."

haha, that reminds me of a Chappelle joke about white people on airplanes.

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Love the skate mate laces with the metal tips

Looking forward to that. I've been going through laces like crazy since i got my 9k's. It's weird...never had the problem before...but the tips of the laces are getting shreded...to the point that I can barely get them through the eyelets.

I've tried the waxed/molded kind...the kind with the plastic tips. So, I'm interested in these.

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Love the skate mate laces with the metal tips

Looking forward to that. I've been going through laces like crazy since i got my 9k's. It's weird...never had the problem before...but the tips of the laces are getting shreded...to the point that I can barely get them through the eyelets.

I've tried the waxed/molded kind...the kind with the plastic tips. So, I'm interested in these.

Add a short splice of clear poly to those frayed tips and they are as good as new!

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Sat in first class on the way back and I had a woman sit next to me staring at me while I was sleeping asking me to help her. The flight attendants pulled out of the seat and then took her into the galley and questioned her. She wasn't drunk, but she had a fear of flying and her husband essentially threw her onto the plane.

Took her to the back where they sat her down in one of the jumpseats and was babysat for the rest of the flight.

On our flight out of Vegas they made an announcement looking for a doctor or nurse. It seems that someone had a panic attack and we had to wait while paramedics came on board and pulled her off when we got to Charlotte.

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Salming had an interesting innovation on their NXT sticks. They're bowed at the bottom at the kick point. It looked as though they had warped in shipping, but that's the way they were tooled.

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The PPF gloves were really nice, the two booths with the bootleg skates were very intresting, and the spinner should be on every machine.

I'll never look at Oggie grips the same way

(Chadd knows what I mean)

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Love the skate mate laces with the metal tips

Is there anything different about them over the ones Bauer tried about 8 years ago? I heard the major malfunction on those were the tips came off too easy and were a liability on the ice, and also got caught up under blades and were nicking blades and/or losing edges. I'm not too sure on the second part, something tells me, that if your laces are getting caught up under your skate blades, you're doing something wrong. But I can see them doing the same thing while lying on the ice after falling off. I was impressed with the concept of the metal tip back in 99-00 when they came out, on the 7000's I believe, I suggested to the NBH rep at the time, (Nick?) that they should offer these up for individual sales. But after a season of college, it was pretty apparent the laces themselves were pretty much crap. So hopefully they were able to improve on all of those features and come out with a solid product.

More info on the Spinner system?

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did any of you compare the all nylon TPS R8 gloves to the 50/50 R8-lites?

All nylon is a great glove, too bad they put the nash/digital palm on it.

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