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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you do to your blade before you tape it?

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I used to run a piece of black electrical tape lengthwise on the bottom where the blade meets the ice -- I thought it gave me less friction as the tape wore down, and it made it easier to pull the tape off when I needed a new tape job...

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I dont tape my blades. I use Blade Sharks. So with that being said I sand my blade lightly for some bite and then apply the blade shark panels. They rock!!

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I work in the HVAC industry and have been using a very thin coat of duct liner adhesive on the blade before the first time I put tape on it. It is just tacky enough so that during the game as the bottom of the tape wears through, and water gets under the tape, that it is still tacky enough to keep the tape from half peeling off during the game. Thus keeping the tape adhered to the blade. I might throw a fresh coating on there every 5-6 games, and it has worked like a champ for me. It keeps me from retaping between periods.

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For my composite blades, I put duct tape on the blade to add some "cushion". I put a small strip of similar tape on the bottom of my wood blades to add durability (in my mind, at least).

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For my composite blades, I put duct tape on the blade to add some "cushion". I put a small strip of similar tape on the bottom of my wood blades to add durability (in my mind, at least).

Isn't that a pain in the ass to get off between tape jobs?

Just regular tape is a pain to get off my composite.

I end up lightly sanding it sometimes just to get the tape residue off... I am sure there's probably a better way. Maybe goo-gone or something.

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Wax the blade with mr zoggs.

Interesting. What does that do versus just waxing the tape job?

I do both. Not only does it help the wax soak into the tape when I melt it in but it makes it easier for the tape to come off.

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For my composite blades, I put duct tape on the blade to add some "cushion". I put a small strip of similar tape on the bottom of my wood blades to add durability (in my mind, at least).

I do the same, but with a thicker masking tape. Wood is fine with regular tape, but I don't like the feel of just regular tape on a composite blade. It feels far too rigid. Must be my complete lack of touch.

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Wax the blade with mr zoggs.

Interesting. What does that do versus just waxing the tape job?

I do both. Not only does it help the wax soak into the tape when I melt it in but it makes it easier for the tape to come off.

That's exactly what I do. Just put a light coat of Mr. Zog's on then heat, wait to cool then put another coat on and it's a charm. Ah the smell of Mr. Zog's Sex Wax and it's great for your stick :lol:

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I use either clear sock tape or electrical tape and run a strip from the heel around the toe and along the top, then tape normally. Seems to cut down on chipping and make the blade last longer.

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Wax the blade with mr zoggs.

Interesting. What does that do versus just waxing the tape job?

I do both. Not only does it help the wax soak into the tape when I melt it in but it makes it easier for the tape to come off.

That's exactly what I do. Just put a light coat of Mr. Zog's on then heat, wait to cool then put another coat on and it's a charm. Ah the smell of Mr. Zog's Sex Wax and it's great for your stick :lol:

Andover tape plus putting mr zoggs under the tape as well as twice over the tape gives me an extra 2-3 games with the same tape job.

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When shooting at the range, I'll do a strip of hockey tape on the bottom. I'm thinking about trying a strip of tape along the front for extra cushion while catching passes though.

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Andover tape plus putting mr zoggs under the tape as well as twice over the tape gives me an extra 2-3 games with the same tape job.

TBLfan, do you do this to wood blades, composites, or both? I'm thinking of trying it since i'm burning through tape recently...

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For my composite blades, I put duct tape on the blade to add some "cushion". I put a small strip of similar tape on the bottom of my wood blades to add durability (in my mind, at least).

Isn't that a pain in the ass to get off between tape jobs?

Just regular tape is a pain to get off my composite.

I end up lightly sanding it sometimes just to get the tape residue off... I am sure there's probably a better way. Maybe goo-gone or something.

Don't try to take tape off of your blade when the tape is still wet. It comes off a lot easier and cleaner when it is dry.

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First time...I sand the clear poly coat off to make the tape adhere to the stick better. I then put a strip of tape on the bottom....tape the stick normally...then put another strip on the bottom. I find I have better control, hard passes are easier to catch, and I jut have to pull off the bottom strip after playing. I usually keep the tape job on for about 4-5 uses, unless I get my stick stepped on or some other situation that gets the tape cut open.

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