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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Black Friday is near!

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Screw shopping, I'm playing hockey on Friday.

Good luck. I hope you get the screws you need and it doesn't take too long so you have lots of time to play hockey afterward. :D

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So what did everyone buy?

Best Buy/Future Shop is having some good sales here in Canada ...Tom Tom GPS for $147. Might pick it up!

PS: Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans on the board!

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4 synergy SL's sports authority $188!! $45 each! this is the best deal ever! I cleaned house

same deal here, half off $89. where is your store? I went to the one in Brainree, MA

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I worked for about 8 hours today. Not as good as I was hoping only made about $300... *sigh* Hopefully, tomorrow will bring better buisness.

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We went out after all the crowds and picked up 300($3.98) and Office season 2 (14.98) on dvd.

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It was like a regular job today -- 9:00 to 5:30.

Kohls to Staples to Ultimate to Old Navy to our storage to Dick's to Costco to Target to Best Buy to Wal-Mart to Home Depot to Radio Shack.

We bought a lot of loss leaders so I doubt they made much money off us....

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4 synergy SL's sports authority $188!! $45 each! this is the best deal ever! I cleaned house

Great pick up!!! Let me know if you want to sell one of those bad boys! ;)

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All I got was two Webkinz for my kids. F'ing genius idea by Ganz. They are moving so many of these stupid stuffed animals that almost no kid would have wanted otherwise...


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WOOOHOOO, We got a 40 inch, sony Bravia, v series. Full 1080P HD today.

Soon, the Caps will suck in even more detail

Nice, I have the 46" v2500. Hopefully the Caps are broadcast in HD over there--I get no local hockey (Kings/Ducks) in HD here in San Diego. The standard def broadcasts on Center Ice look better on my 32" CRT unfortunately.

I tried to pick up a $120 Stealth from HockeyGiant on Friday, but I managed to go during a 3-4 hour window when they listed the price back at $199. Ended up driving to HockeyMonkey and picked it up for $135 instead. By the time I got back to SD, HockeyGiant put their price back down. I wasn't as pissed about the $15 difference as I was in how the store employee acted like there was no way Stealths would be that cheap and that I must have mixed up the price with the Synergy 200s.

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The standard def games on Center Ice are pathetic. I hope next year they add the high def feeds from all the stations, but I really doubt that'll happen. Its frustrating that it seems like every game shown is also available in HD, and I'm stuck watching it with fuzzy yellow dasher boards.

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The standard def games on Center Ice are pathetic. I hope next year they add the high def feeds from all the stations, but I really doubt that'll happen. Its frustrating that it seems like every game shown is also available in HD, and I'm stuck watching it with fuzzy yellow dasher boards.

A buddy of mine has direct TV and gets HD games in his center ice package.

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