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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone got a Toyota Sequoia?

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Armada's at least look nice, but not sure how the performance is. If I was in the market I'd hold out for Infiniti's model of it.

I remember watching car and driver test, and it was very underpowered for how heavy it was.

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Armada's at least look nice, but not sure how the performance is.  If I was in the market I'd hold out for Infiniti's model of it.

I remember watching car and driver test, and it was very underpowered for how heavy it was.

that's interesting because car and driver was saying how the armada had plenty of power..... the qx56 has a more powerful engine (even if slightly) and i doubt it's much heavier

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omg i test drove one last week. that thing is so weak! its not even funny. its real roomy but so weak, i went up a small hill and i had to push the pedal all the way down.

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