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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slash guards/ elbow pad extensions Ovechkin wears?

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What are those white hard plastic elbow pad extensions ovechkin and other players wear. what brand, where to buy and how much. They kinda look like a type of slash guard . Somtimes you can see ovi wearing them because his jersey is rolled up a little bit. I just recovered from a bad broken wrist from a slash. plz help

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Sry I can't provide any info. but I, too, just got back from a broken wrist. I went to my hospitals rehabilitation store and bought a double sided support wrist brace. I have been wearing it for 2 months and it has worked like a charm.

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Old JOFA slash guard - it has a Velcro attachment (won't work on newer RBK/JOFA with the jersey mesh, my elbows are prostock 5044 leather cap) and an elastic strap that goes over your wrist. I cut them off and leave it floating. They don't make them anymore - I bought this last pair from the Giant about 6 years ago. Perhaps someone in Sweden can help you.

I think Ovechkin is wearing two - one under and one over.




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I got a pair of these laying around the house. I think I paid like $8.00 or so for them. I always thought about taking the elastic wrist strap off.

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It would take some searching because like JR said, about 6 years ago sounds right for the last time I'd seen them at retail. I had some a couple years ago and my brother's taken to them and has them on his pads now. I still use old-ass Canuck-branded wrist protectors from a company I can't even see the name of on them.

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could always try something like this as well


Have me a pair of those. they arent anything like the one shown above by JR. They are basically a terry wristband with like 4 thin plastic inserts. Got them on hockeygiant for 4.00 a while back. They tear on the seams pretty easy, got some plastic stickin outta mine. (then again, my forearms arent skinny so they stretch when i put them on) The're decent, but dont think i would have paid 20 bucks for them...

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I used to hate wristband-style ones. The Jofa ones give you total movement. There are a lot of NHL guys still in it. There used to be an older Jofa model that had it integrated into the pad.

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They are pretty easy to make. I made a few pairs for the guys on my team a few seasons ago. I sewed them to the pad instead of making them velcro off/on but it shouldn't be much different. One of these days when I have some free time at the rink I'll see what I can come up with.

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you know what would work out perfectly, the toe protecter from a catcher leg pad for baseball, go visit your local play it again and snag a cheap pair and rip them off?

I used the toe protector as a bit of an extra ankle protection (dangles from my shin pad)

I could definitely see it working if you sew it onto the edge of a elbow pad. I'm sure a shoe repair shop could do it if you can't sew it on your own.

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