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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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glue for replacement blades

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I have a replacement blade with no glue. Is there any specific type of glue I need to use ? I have been walking up and down the mall looking for arts and craft glue sticks but can't find anything yet. I guess a hardware store is the best to go, but there isn't one near me so I am looking for alternative places/ideas.

I now wonder why if its possible to use paper glue ?


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Just use tape. Or, looks for extra-strength hot melt glue (the ones i have are yellow instead of white)

that's the same thing my friend said, just use a strip of hockey tape on the tenon.

He also says that I have a false sense that glue actually holds the tenon in place with the shaft.

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A craft store down the street sells the 12 inch sticks for 30 cents a piece. I always have a few laying around for switching blades.

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A craft store down the street sells the 12 inch sticks for 30 cents a piece. I always have a few laying around for switching blades.

yes, that's another thing - price. I didn't want to pay $10 CDN for 4 glue sticks from Sportchek :(

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