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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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oh ok, gotcha. It's a flush cut plug.

So I guess the r10 feels a little whipper than labled... Probably do to flex point. hmmm.

Thanks bud.

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After my experiment with the wood plug.....I can say that the balance for my stick length was spot on and it really helped the feel of the stick also. Had another game with the R10 last night, and my evening was all wrists/snaps and passes. Ended up with 2 assists last night (my preferred style of play) and the R10 felt right at home in my hands. The weight of the stick (despite 35 grams of counterbalance in the handle) is still incredibly lightweight, only now that weight is balanced. The stick still looks great too after 2 chippy games, which I'm sure can be attested to their screened graphics with a clear coat over them. Seems like a quite durable finish on the stick. The only fault that I have found with the stick so far (but the fault is my own) is on my backhanded saucer passes. They are much softer and spot on the tape with my Tkachuk than the Frolov. Once again.....a fault of my own and a touch of the curves and not the stick.

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Anymore feedback/opinions about the R10 out there? If there is another thread about this stick, please post it here as I seem to be having problems with the Search function.

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Well, I decided to go for it and try something other than high-end SWD Coffeys. My R10 Whip Flex Afinogenov just arrived! And I think we have a winner here. Stick just immediately feels right in my hands. Definitely whippy, but we'll see how it feels cut down 5-6 inches with a plug. Can't wait to get on the ice with it. I think this might be the sleeper stick pick of the '08 season.

Thanks much to Spreedizzle for all the info.

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sort of off topic, but what is the difference between the Tkachuk and Frolov curves?

Tkachuk: 1/2" (12mm) Heel Curve, Slightly Open Face, Lie 5.0 (Small heel curve with a rounded toe)

Frolov: 5/8" Center - Heel Curve, Wide Open Face. Lie 5.0 (Center heel curve, twisted open with rounded toe)

If you want to stay with the Forsberg PM9 pattern, go with the Tkachuk. That said, a friend of mine recently switched from the Tkachuk to the Frolov and had no problems with the adjustment and said they played quite similarly. I think the more open face on the Frolov would be the biggest difference.

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