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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock AK-27 shafts

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Finally used a shaft today and I'm going to have to agree about it being too light, which is a weird thing to say. I paired it up with a pro return One90 composite blade and it feels like a whiffle ball bat. Great performance, but its weight (or lack thereof) is throwing me off.

I've been thinking about trying to add weight to the top of the shaft. With the Lang blade I have in there balance is bad, but not Sickick bad. Besides lead tennis tape or a whole roll of cloth, what's a good idea for adding weight to the stick? Taping pennies on the bottom layer seems like it would impact the feel of the top hand a bit much.

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put a wood end plug in there and cut flush? Or cut the shaft by 1" or so and put a wood plug in there... not sure if it would be enough weight though?

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anyone order the prucha blade? What is the curve like

i'll post a CCM Prucha pattern when i get home.

if u wanna look at it, i just took it off of proreturnhockey.com

it will PROBABLY be the same thing

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She must be new, all the girls I've talked to at HM sound like Fran Drescher... not my kind of girl.

Actually, the only girl that didn't sound like that was the manager... Do they hire men at HM? I dont think I've ever spoken with a guy at HM.

my friend does most of the guys work in the warehouse.

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Has anyone received a prostock clear Dolo, with a flex of 300+, that has a "concave" shaft like the retail version?

I ordered two polarfibre 320's and they're boxy as can be. I much prefered the "concave" retail version I used to have.

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'my friend does most of the guys work in the warehouse.'

Eh ? :blink:

his friend (who is a guy) works there.

the men usually work in the warehouse rather than answering calls..

that's my interpretation of it...i think its right :blink:

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I placed an order for 2 ak's and i put the shipping address as my name and the billing address as the same but the name on the credit card is different will this be a problem the address and stuff is the same its just the name. I got a comformation in the e-mail they sent so im hoping theres no problem.

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Odds are there will be a problem. After today's brief and expletive-laden talk with HM today I think I am ass-out of some shafts. Fuck them, fuck UPS.

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anyone order the prucha blade? What is the curve like

i'll post a CCM Prucha pattern when i get home.

if u wanna look at it, i just took it off of proreturnhockey.com

it will PROBABLY be the same thing

if you can post a picture that would be great

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I placed an order for 2 ak's and i put the shipping address as my name and the billing address as the same but the name on the credit card is different will this be a problem the address and stuff is the same its just the name. I got a comformation in the e-mail they sent so im hoping theres no problem

I put the wrong billing zip code in the order form. After not getting any shipping confirmation after 2 days, I called HM. I was then informed that they were out of stock of the shaft and blade I ordered. I wonder if they were ever going to call and tell me. I told them I would probably need to cancel the rest of my order, got put on hold, and 5 minutes later they tell me they've suddenly found the blade I ordered and asked if I would like to change my order to a nipple grip Dolo (I had ordered a clear finish). I said what the heck, I've been meaning to try a grip shaft for a while anyway.

All in all, dealing with hockey monkey has been an .... unusual experience. I guess I should expect that after getting all the prices wrong on their pro stock shafts last year.

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I placed an order with them and went about 2 weeks before they finally called me and said they were having a problem due to one of my blades being out of stock. My billing address is different from my shipping address and on the HM website it says that could create a 7 day delay. It is pretty ridiculous, I would have gone down there to get my stuff if it wasn't all in the warehouse.

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Go here and look up their curves. Prucha's is there, which may or may not be his Warrior curve of course.

They told me that I ordered the last of the Prucha blades, but who knows if that's an accurate statement or not. I would've bought them out of the Kotalik blades if the toe was round.

And as for delivery, I don't think I've gone a week from the time I ordered until they were at my door (probably 10 orders or so) and I've always gotten exactly what I've ordered. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

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Hopefully you get what you think you're getting then. Kotalik reminds me that I received one of his Mission pro returns last year, even if it's a mid and not a heel like they said. That's on the island of misfit toys with other blades I'll never bother with.

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Yeah, that's how his toe is on this blade but I want to say the lie's higher and the blade's a little shorter. I thought I also saw some of his One90s on eBay and they looked like huge Sakics.

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Odds are there will be a problem. After today's brief and expletive-laden talk with HM today I think I am ass-out of some shafts. Fuck them, fuck UPS.

HM gave you the SOL speach about it being UPS' problem and UPS telling you it is HM? And then lo and behold we have one unhappy Alaskan who shelled out bucks for nothing in return. Am I pretty much getting the gist of the conversation/explative exchange?

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My billing address is different from my shipping address and on the HM website it says that could create a 7 day delay.

You should call your credit card company and have them put your shipping address on file. This can expedite processing of orders to non-billing addresses in many cases, and make orders possible at all in others.

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