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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Macs or PCs

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i don't understand why people say macs have better image editing capabilities.  at my school, they have top of the line g4's and g5's running photoshop and they can even touch my computer (also running photoshop) in terms of speed.  as for OS stability, my computer hasn't crashed once (runnin XP) and as for drivers, everything that i've used with my computer or added to it (memory, HD, TV-out card, Video card, DVD, CD-RW, MP3 players, camera) i've only had to put in drivers for the video card.

top of the line g5s? You got 8 gigs of ram and 2.5 dual proccesors in those puppys? You have the 4 million pixel 30" displays? I dont know about that. And your saying that OS X has crashed on you. What is your idea of crashing?

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I'm not, I'm a goon with the bloody thing and at 11 he's better than I am.

I wouldnt suggest a jump to linux then. I would recommend OS X though :) a far supperior OS than Windows XP

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blah blah blah

haha.. I was using macs before you were born, let alone pc's. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. If you're talking about a freaking $399 gateway or something then yeah it's not going to touch a G5 as far as video editing/dp goes, but a G5 isn't going to touch a custom pc made by someone that knows what they're doing. It's folly to think otherwise.

I won't argue with your points about malicious code, etc. because it's true, nobody uses a mac. But you have to wonder how long they're going to keep floating hardware to nobodys since they're not making any money off of them (you have to sell software to move hardware). If malicious code writers can't get any noteriety making code for the Mac, then software developers aren't making any scratch..

Apple has finally realized that they can make more money off of an MP3 player than any of their previously released hardware. It's sad when a computer company makes the money for their R&D off of peripherals, it's only a matter of time before they dump the hardware and start making a profit off the pod...

but I won't argue that they're hardware isn't great stuff... it is, it's just so stinking proprietary nobody wants to get on the bus.

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2 billion dollars a year isnt losing money where I come from. Sure it isnt as much as dell or M$, but hey. I do agree that the proprietary issues do blow. It does piss me off that they havent ported the g5 to an intel chip, because the IBM chips they are using get so hot at the speeds now, they are even thinking of using hydrolic cooling systems. Thats pretty sad. I had a 3.0 HT intel extreme, gig of sd ram, computer I built for pretty cheap for what I had in it. The powerbook I have now (1.33, 512) actualy preforms better in photoshop, flash, and audacity than it did on my pc. I have been also using macs for years, since I was 6, so for about 10, 11 years. My uncle even still has an old lisa sitting around. I wasnt as big of an apple fan as I am now until OS X came out. Unix is a big seller for me.

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I wouldnt say that macs do much less, they can do ANYTHING that a pc can do, name one thing you cannot do on a mac that you can on a pc.

Play NHL2005.

of course you can. use a pc emulator.

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Not all camera drivers are included in windows xp.  I have had to isntall plenty of drivers to my xp machine.  Of course there are programs to stop spyware and viri, but do they work?  I have installed spybot, adaware bazooka joe, norton and avg on my girlfriends computer, she still has one of the worst computing experiences I have ever had.  Thats like saying, sure, you can get cancer from smoking, but theres kemo.  I wouldnt say that macs do much less, they can do ANYTHING that a pc can do, name one thing you cannot do on a mac that you can on a pc

Heavens forbid you have to take 2 minutes out of your day to load a damn driver. Taking a little extra time to have much more portability is fine with me.

The only real advantage to Mac's is the architecture that allows laptops to run faster because they generate much less heat. Besides that, I'd take a PC or Unix box (depending on my needs) any day of the week. Sorry if they're not pretty enough for you.

And have you tried to install a firewall on your girlfriends machine? A firewall with spyware killer should not have that many problems.

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top of the line g5s?  You got 8 gigs of ram and 2.5 dual proccesors in those puppys?  You have the 4 million pixel 30" displays?  I dont know about that.  And your saying that OS X has crashed on you.  What is your idea of crashing?

just the machines, and basically top of the line, yea. i don't know the specifics, but its what the teacher said

crashing as in something stops working

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I wouldnt say that macs do much less, they can do ANYTHING that a pc can do, name one thing you cannot do on a mac that you can on a pc.

Play NHL2005.

of course you can. use a pc emulator.

Make your Mac "pretend" to be a PC? The horror.

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Maybe I should have been more specific... play NHL2005 *above* 5 fps... :lol:

lol. are there any games for macs? like.. actually good games.

also, can you modify a mac? can they use the same like.. video cards and everything as pcs (macs are so foreign to me :( )

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lego... she has a hardware firwall (router). I understand (i have never used an emulator for a game) from what I read on forums, that gameplay is very good actually, though I can not speak from experience. That is the one downfall of macs, no games. I am not a gamer at all, so it dosent matter to me, but if your a gamer, you better stay away from macs. Yes, you can modify your mac.

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what is it about macs that make them good with image/video/audio processing? does it have to deal with the OS or is it the actualy physical configuration?

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For the most part, macs have limited hardware options since they are much more proprietary. That makes it easier to optimize the video code. That and the fact Windows is based on a very old core and should have been rebuilt from the ground up years ago.

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I`ve been using PC`s since I was 8 and never once has it crashed on me....some of them have frozen up realy bad but trhwt was becasue it was a dirrty whore and needed to be formatted and cleaned.

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lol, chris, it has. If you have used win 95, 98 or, my condelances, ME, your computer has crashed. Have you ever gotten a bluescreen? Have programs just stopped working, have you had to pull out the cable from the back of the computer? Crashing is not having the computer not work anymore, it is when any program (including the OS) locks up.

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I swear I must be the only human to never have ME crash on them. I only used it for a couple of months but it still worked fine the whole time. Every other person I know had problems with it.

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Bill Gates: how can we make money before we release windows xp on the world?

Engineer: we can repackage win 98 SE, and take random chunks of code out, and put random 0101010 in.

Bill Gates: but I wouldnt buy that

Engineer: we will call it THE MELENIUM EDITION

BG: How soon how we start production?

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It's going to be worse now that they have the business programs that require them to put out something new every three years no matter what the quality is.

I've already moved to open office and Mozilla, replacing MS stuff.

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I was actualy surprised by the os x version of office. You get a 30 day free trial (yes! on a M$ piece of software!), and it was pretty nice. Although we all know apple textpad owns all

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I dont know how you can complain about prices when you buy overpriced Mac crap.

If you add the right software to a PC, it actually works just like your Mac does. Imagine that!

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I wouldnt go that far... if a shitty cook has good ingrediants, hes still making chicken shit :)

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