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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sport chek

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for you guys that live in canada sport chek is having their annual hockey plus sale coming up in a week, i work there, so ill let you guys know of some of the bigger sales going on next week ahead of time, the best deal is the 1 piece hespeler nemesis vex, its on for 59.99 can. the stick is unreal, i demoed already, and i liked it a bunch (the feeling was mutual between everyone that used it with me), 1152s are going down to 329.99, e50s 199.99. buy any 2 pieces of protective equip. get 3rd 25% off., buy one stick or blade (no 1 pieces) get 2nd half price. 952 skates-199.99. nike quest helmets will stay at 59.99.......

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thats a sweet sale. it'd be even sweeter if the sport chek near me had any of that gear. all they got are low end skates and smu stuff. and plus all the shafts are either 100's or 110's, and the blades are mostly shanny's lol

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I talked to 2 guys at different hockey shops around my area, they both informed me that the 952s at sportcheck were not actually 952s and they were half the quality. <_<

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the 952's at sport chek are the same stiffness and have all the same basic components as 952's at other stores, BUT, the 952's sport chek gets are made from letover materials from like 652's, 952's, 1052's and 1152's. for 199.99 the skates are still a really good deal, but they are sorta made from scraps. (im really not defending sport chek, i disagree with a lot of their buying, its just true)

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Sportcheck has some ok stuff for great prices, the only thing i have against them was that I bought some 2001 ULs from them for a great price, only thing wrong was that the guy sized me in a 8.5. At the time I had really no knowledge of hockey equipment, but at the end of the season I went to my lhs and they sized me in a 6.5 W graf. It just seems to me that some of their staff don't know alot about hockey equipment IMO.

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Last year they had Tri flex go for under 100 Canadian and there stuff is not all that bad you just gotta be knowledgable and not listen to the employees. The only beefs I got with Sc is that they think everyone should be restricted down to 2 curves which is the Shanny and Lidstrom and my other beefs are the fact that there employees are not knowledgable. Other than that the items they carry and the price is good.

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i don't think that sportchek is that bad they have stuff priced a bit higher then a normal just hockey store but other then that i have never had any problems.

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the 952's at sport chek are the same stiffness and have all the same basic components as 952's at other stores, BUT, the 952's sport chek gets are made from letover materials from like 652's, 952's, 1052's and 1152's. for 199.99 the skates are still a really good deal, but they are sorta made from scraps. (im really not defending sport chek, i disagree with a lot of their buying, its just true)

they actually tell you these details ? I know someone who just bought a pair. I think he is going to be really pissed off if he hears about this.

Not that its a bad deal, but its kind of false advertising. No wonder those stupid damn f*#@ lost the lawsuit and had to pay millions of dollars for false advertising. If I ever find that article I will post it. Basically the group that owns Sport Chek got sued for false advertising, they list some ridiculous high regular prices and then offer the product on sale for 50-70 percent off which is almost back to regular price (ie some hockey jerseys which list for $99 but were on sale for $49, but that's the everyday price).

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I get the impression there's a high turnover rate among employees. The new employees won't know the things they haven't been trainined in, and you can't compare it to a LHS because they carry alot more items and focus on a different crowd.

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I get the impression there's a high turnover rate among employees. The new employees won't know the things they haven't been trainined in, and you can't compare it to a LHS because they carry alot more items and focus on a different crowd.

I knew a few of the employees who worked at a particular Sport Chek and they were high school dropouts. They worked for minimal wage which helps explain the high turn over rate.

When they were leaving they implemented a 6 % commission with no salary (except cashiers). So basically it was all back stabbing amongst each other and they would say anything to the customer to get you to buy (my favourite line was when the salesperson said this one Columbia jacket was fire proof) :(

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Sn1per works in a sport check in Toronto, nice store too. JR and I were there when we were in TO for the expo in January.

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Sn1per works in a sport check in Toronto, nice store too. JR and I were there when we were in TO for the expo in January.

which location is this ? I think there are 5 or 6 in Toronto.

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The T-flex shafts and blade was a good thing,Mack.

It's the voices in your head; I haven't posted here.

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Sn1per works in a sport check in Toronto, nice store too. JR and I were there when we were in TO for the expo in January.

which location is this ? I think there are 5 or 6 in Toronto.

I don't know what the address was. We walked from the HHOF back to our hotel by the Hard Rock and it was on the way.

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there are idiots that work at sport chek, as far as the minimum wage thing though, thats not true. you make 5% commision and a lot of people are really loyal to sport chek, and if youre a seller and know your stuff youre probably only 1 or 2 of the people that do in your department that does, so a lot of customers come too see you: hence, you make a lot of money. Alot of employees do suck though and they just try and make the sale and theyll tell you anything to do so. there is a high turnover rate because people dont like to compete for sales. if youve worked there for awhile you are trained very well. ive worked there 3 years and ive had probably 10 product knowledge sessions(in just hockey, their about 3hours each), had 3 full day(8-6) company rep days and gotten to go on the ice 3 times to demo all the equipment. Because sportchek probably sells more hockey equipment then any other chain in canada the equipment reps are always in trying to get our staff knowledgable about their product. Unfortunatley the majority of the people that work there care only about how many sales they make, and those are the employees that probably ran up too you guys the minute you started looking at a product and started chirping garbage in your ear

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Sn1per works in a sport check in Toronto, nice store too. JR and I were there when we were in TO for the expo in January.

which location is this ? I think there are 5 or 6 in Toronto.

I don't know what the address was. We walked from the HHOF back to our hotel by the Hard Rock and it was on the way.

That's downtown in the Eaton Centre. This is the same store where I refer to the employees working cut throat, everyone for themselves. If you only get paid by commission, you'll try to mark any item a customer is purchasing to get their 6 % commission pay. Its good for motivating staff, but its quite possible you will make very little money in a day (imagine how many sales you have to make to earn $60 CDN - $1000). Not that easy to get a $1000 in sales a day.

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Actually there wasn't any of that going on when JR and I were there. There were several otehr customers in the hockey section and I didn't see any of the behavior you describe.

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