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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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5.25 lie?

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Is there anything retail that plays like a 5.25 lie? How about prostock? I find the 5 a tad too low but the 5.5 a tad too high. Looking for something with not a lot of rocker either. Thanks

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Some of the prostock mission blades might fit that description. I thought I remember reading some that were slightly above a 5. But I am not routing that 40+ page thread to find out.

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I don't have it in front of me to look at and compare, but the pattern DB here lists it as 5, and it definately plays lower than 5.5.

You might try searching around. I'm short on time, but I know other people have mentioned it being around that.

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It really makes that big of a difference to you? I seem to go from a 7 to a 5 easily, never really bothered me. I'm sure if you just lengthened/shortened your stick a bit you would be fine.

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Order up some TPS p27s

Are they really rockered? It's a heel curve correct?

You asked about a blade with very little rocker, I wouldn't have suggested something with a big rocker. I haven't seen one in a while but I thought it was a mid curve.

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It really makes that big of a difference to you? I seem to go from a 7 to a 5 easily, never really bothered me. I'm sure if you just lengthened/shortened your stick a bit you would be fine.

Some guys have issues adjusting to certain things. My biggest curve issue with adjustment is the shape of the toe. I have this certain go-to toe drag I do that needs a certain toe shape or I can't do it, even when looking at the puck. That's why I might be getting rid of the warrior speeza blade I just bought. Not only can I NOT use my normal tape job but my go-to move just isn't working out, at least with a smart hockey ball. I can barely do it at half speed.

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The recchi is 5.25 on the Easton scale. If anything it's slighty higher, maybe 5.40, it's definitely lower than 5.5.

Specifically, how does a Recchi lie and rocker compare to a SWD Coffey (lie and rocker)? Anyone have both to compare?

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coffey has a bigger rocker. Recchi's rocker is small.

Thanks. Notwithstanding the rocker, how do the lies match up? My guess is Coffey is a little lower???

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Hmmm. Well the Coffey is about a 5.20 in Easton terms, maybe a little bit less. If anyone has or has used both of these blades -- Coff and Rex -- and can match em up and tell me, I'd really appreciate it. My LHS has very limited stock so I don't have a Recchi blade to compare my Coff to...


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yeah, I'm not sure. I have a recchi but the best I can go on is word of mouth about the coffey. I wouldn't touch that pattern if SWD payed me.

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