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Nike Quest helmet

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anyone use this helmet? thoughts on this helmet?


i have the older CCM HT2.. and i wanna get back into playing hockey (adult "beer" league).. but i'm thinking i need a new helmet.

all the newer helmets (CCM Vector, Bauer 8500) are a little out of my price range.

i saw the Nike Quest on hockey1 (south windsor arena's equipment site) for like $40 without cage.. (i think theo fleury was one of the only ones to use this helmet back in 03-04..)


should i go for that? or should i go for the classic Bauer 4000? or stick with my HT2? any other suggestions? thanks guys!

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I haven't ever used it, but from what I've heard it's heavy as hell. Might have heard it's uncomfortable too, not sure. Anyway, not good things. The Bauer's a safe, smart choice. Can't go wrong with one.

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It wasn't that bad...for $10 with a cage, which is what the rink was blowing them out at. But for $40, look at some other stuff. The Quest was pretty ugly, but I guess it wasn't too bad. It had a pump in it to help with the fit.

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The plain difference is the 4000 was the earlier model. So I guess I should have just said the Bauer 4500. Solid helmet. Worn by at least half of the NHL players, and is a very popular helmet as it is.

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4500 it is. i noticed a ton of the NHL wears it.. always wanted that helmet but i had my CCM for so long (for the last 5+ years).. but i figure it's time for something new.

don't think it's a good idea to NOT wear face protection.. so should i get the full helmet (with bauer cage) or should i invest in a better cage (like the Jofa 480)??

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4500 it is. i noticed a ton of the NHL wears it.. always wanted that helmet but i had my CCM for so long (for the last 5+ years).. but i figure it's time for something new.

don't think it's a good idea to NOT wear face protection.. so should i get the full helmet (with bauer cage) or should i invest in a better cage (like the Jofa 480)??

the standard bauer cage is fine (though ive found it tends to rust fairly quickly, though that could just be from my frequency and style of play)

a chrome 480 for $10 more wont rust as quickly and plus just looks sick :)

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thanks for all the replies! :)

lol i remember seeing a CHROME bauer 4500 from some swedish elite league pics..

this one.. haha i'm trying to picture that with a chrome jofa 480.. lol i'd probably blind people.


fn ridiculous! haha i want one.. :-P i think they go to the team's 'top scorer' it's a gold or silver helmet.. and they get a different jersey too?.. but they recently changed it to a helmet with flames on it. that'd basically be a bullseye on your back/head for the opposing team.

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lol i remember seeing a CHROME bauer 4500 from some swedish elite league pics..

this one.. haha i'm trying to picture that with a chrome jofa 480.. lol i'd probably blind people.

fn ridiculous! haha i want one.. :-P

if u ever see one of those grab me one lol

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thanks for all the replies! :)

lol i remember seeing a CHROME bauer 4500 from some swedish elite league pics..

this one.. haha i'm trying to picture that with a chrome jofa 480.. lol i'd probably blind people.


fn ridiculous! haha i want one.. :-P i think they go to the team's 'top scorer' it's a gold or silver helmet.. and they get a different jersey too?.. but they recently changed it to a helmet with flames on it. that'd basically be a bullseye on your back/head for the opposing team.

Lausanne's in Switzerland.

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anyone use this helmet? thoughts on this helmet?


i have the older CCM HT2.. and i wanna get back into playing hockey (adult "beer" league).. but i'm thinking i need a new helmet.

all the newer helmets (CCM Vector, Bauer 8500) are a little out of my price range.

i saw the Nike Quest on hockey1 (south windsor arena's equipment site) for like $40 without cage.. (i think theo fleury was one of the only ones to use this helmet back in 03-04..)


should i go for that? or should i go for the classic Bauer 4000? or stick with my HT2? any other suggestions? thanks guys!

Mario's worn the helmet too. As well as the Vancouver Giants in the WHL.


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The 4500 + Jofa/CCM FM 480 cage = great looking helmet. You can't go wrong with that combo.

If I could find a medium 480 chrome cage, that's exactly the combo I'd have.

No luck, alas. :(

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I was wearing a CCM but recently switched to the Mission Intake which is great helmet. It is just the approved model of what the pros wear. There is also the Intake Fusion which is more of a stripped version so it is a little lighter. Total Hockey has them on sale for $59.99 I think. They are all "call for price" or you can go through the check out process without actually buying one and it will tell you the price. Easiest way is to just call a store cause they should be the same price in store. It is a great helmet though and I would highly recommend it. They have a good selection left too. Here's the link:


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anyone use this helmet? thoughts on this helmet?


The hardware, especially the J-clips, were quite unique on these. Pretty hard to find replacements if they should come up missing.

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So the question still stands. For anyone that has used it what are your thoughts. They always had a unique look so I'm interested in trying one. Looking for a black men's medium.

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..yeah. the question still hasn't been answered. ;)

has anyone tried this helmet out and what are your thoughts? i know Mario stopped using all of his Nike stuff and started to use all CCM (back to the skates... but his gloves, stick (he went to the OPS vector), and helmet)

i'd love to try one out if i could get my hands on one for cheap. lol i'd be all "old school" Nike.

i have the Ignite lack leather gloves.. a random Nike Ignite 3 shaft.. and white Air Accels lol i've had all of it since HS. i don't think i'm looking to buy anything crazy expensive (except for possible new skates.. and sticks).. since i'd just be using it for pickup/adult league hockey.

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