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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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talking to ladies......

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Hi my name is Dexter and I would like to introduce you all to the "5 Fs"

Find em'

Feel em'

Finger em'

F*** em'

Forget em'

Just joking. Many times I have screwed up when talking to girls.. as a matter of fact I don't think I have ever talked to one girl right. I always say something about sex and say too much "funny" stuff. I would highly recommend not being an idiot and trying to be funny. Some girls don't like to be praised and I suggest the method of being "cool and calm" and saying things at the right time. I will try this method next time lol.

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A lot of these things make it look like you want a relationship though, so you're going to have to fight thru that.

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Exactly, see what she's interested and go with that. If she's a prep, bust out the Munsingwear or Izod. Music is a great denominator too, so if you can find her taste in that then that's a huge plus.

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Ask about something in you know she's interested in, hopefully you can get going and have it lead into a great conversation.

So basically try to avoid hockey, cars, guns, and any other cool stuff you like. :P

SAMPLE CONVO (results not guarenteed):

You: "Hi, do you like French Poodles?"

Girl (girlish voice): "Wow! You like 'em too! Let's go out!"


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Ironically, a cute blonde just got hired at my work and I was having trouble talking to her and all; then this topic comes up. Perfect timing! Theres some good tips thanks a lot guys. We'll see how it works out.

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just try not to pick up an insecure girl... they will bug the hell out of you. Just joke around with her, and smack her ashe, she smacks back, your in, she gets offended, back off

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If you can hang out with her and have fun, I see no reason to have a waiting period. All summer I've goofed with the summer's fresh meat and I'm still in like Flint.

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pick up a book on communication....this won't only teach you how to talk to the hunnies, but also help you talk to friends, clients, and people in general. In class we were assigned a book and I found it pretty useful.

Arnold, E. & Boggs, K.U. (2003). Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills For Nurses (4th Ed.). St. Louis: Saunders

also, volunteer at an old folks home. they love to talk. volunteering there will teach you how to communicate better. girls love to talk and so do seniors. learn to listen. it will help you open up better as well. plus, there might fe a few fine hunnies volunteering there as well

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lol im screwed with the ass smacking with this one girl. I was at her house with some friends and we were walking out of her room and as I pulled the door shut my hand flew forward and i nailed her right on the ass. (my motor skills wernt very good because I had I tried weed for the first time with her brother liike 20 minutes before this.) she got kinda pissed but she wanted me to come over again next week.

I had only met her like 45 minutes earlier.

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Lots of good advice already, but maybe try a little creative visulaization. If I get nervous before a presentation or public speaking event I just try to imagine my audience in a clown or monkey suit with a funny hat. Conventional wisdom says to imagine your audience in their underwear, but I don't think this will relax you around the hotties. ;) Sounds a bit off, I know, but it works to "humanize" the audience (in this case the girl).

Case in point: Imagine the girl. Uhh, ahh. Now imagine her taking a dump. (Don't get carried away...) See? Sort of reduces your anxiety. Suddenly she isn't so perfect and intimidating. She's a person, too. She went from goddess to girl, (which is what she is) and you won't blow the first five minutes trying to calm down. You'll already be relaxed which will help relax her.

Also, remember Babe Ruth and Sigmund Freud. Babe Ruth struck out more times than he hit home runs, (and so has every man with women if he's honest) and Freud was never able to answer "what does a women want?" No women has either for that matter. And hey, if that doesn't work try...

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45 minutes? that's like going steady.

lol I only mentioned a timeframe because of a previous post about not swacking untill you have known her for a week. Its kinda funny tho and im never doing weed again. drivin high is fun but dangerous

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Driving high is worse then driving drunk. You are honestly an idiot if you have ever done that.

Your best bet it to find out what shes into (not really girly things obviously) and learn some about it and talk to about it. Example: I dated this chick who liked riding horses. I learned a bit about horses, and let her explain the rest. Stuff like that works great. Also don't use cheesy pick up lines, I found that out the hard way. Also dont worry if then don't like you. Some girls are really picky and only like certian guys. Treat then nice (open doors, use your manners!) and they willl like you.

P.S. Hope you don't meet them when they are on the rag!

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